Chapter 59 - The Fight

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Ines was in the Senate Hospital with her almost 2 months old Luke and 5 years old Ben.

At the moment she was in the waiting room, holding her baby closer to her, while he was sucking his pacifier and she was trying to put him to sleep. He just had his first two vaccines and Dr. Khuslar asked Ines to wait at least 30 minutes, since it was the first time he would have taken them.

She had through the force ask Luke to call her to the her wrist device.

At that time, her sweet husband was with their twins girls, in the hangar.

They would be leaving to Kashyyyk in 2/3 days max, so Luke and Han were already putting some of their things in their ships, with the help of the two set of twins, who wanted to help their parents, even if she knew they were doing anything but helping for sure.

Her wrist device beeped and pressing the buttons, she smiled when she heard her husband's voice on the other end.

"Hey gorgeous, what's up?" Luke asked

"Hey handsome, I just want to warn you that we will stay a little longer here in the hospital then we expected," she informed him.

"Why? Is everything okay with our boys?"

"Yes they are, as you can feel. Ben is fine. He took his vaccine but today he was lucky, right sweetie?" Ines smiled looking at their boy.

"Yes daddy. I took a sweet liquid instead of a needle," he said happy making Luke smiled at that.

"You were lucky indeed big fella," he said

"Luke was not. He took two shots in each leg and he cried a lot," Ben informed his father.

"That is why we are here. Since it was his first shots, we are here waiting for 30 minutes to see if he has any reaction. After that time, if everything is fine, than we can leave."

"And how is he?"

"He is fine. Sleeping in my arms." Ines smiled looking at their baby.


"How is everything there? Did you already put everything away?"

"We are trying. Han and Chewie are doing their stuff in the Falcon, while I'm doing ours in the ship."

"How are the girls behaving?" Ines smirked knowing they were not quiet for sure.

"Running around the hangar with Ani and Bail and Grogu. Of course R2 is rolling around after them beeping non stop."

"Poor R2." Ben laughed making Ines nod.

"Yes son. But Grogu is on top of R2, and he is having the time of his life," Luke laughed at the scene.

"I wish I was there to watch that."

"It is hilarious babe. But I will continue to put the things away. I will meet you in Temple?"

"Yes. We will go to the Temple right after we leave here, to check if everything is fine, before we leave."

"Okay, I'll meet you there. I love you all."

"We love you too" Ines said smiling when the device was turn off.


In the Hangar:

Luke just walked towards the Falcon where Han and Chewie just walked down the ramp.

"Ani, Bail will you stop running. You will trip and fall and hurt yourselves. And then I will hear from your mother," Han said, when the boys passed running and screaming, being followed by the girls and R2 with Grogu on top of him.

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