Chapter 30 - Not Talking

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1 ½ month later:

The turn of the year came and went, and with that a new year came, and with that the return of the training classes.

When the students arrived from their turn of year vacations, they were surprised when they saw a new student. Of course they loved Grogu from the beginning, and wish he could stay with them in the Temple.

Luke thought of that for a while, until Alli started to cry because she didn't want to be separate from him, and he sensed that Grogu didn't want to be away from her and from Ines and the baby, so he decided that Grogu would live with them.

Right now Ines was sitting in the relax area, with a datapad on her lap with her mother in law and her kids Padmé and Ben.

In 2 weeks Ben would celebrate his 5th birthday and she decided to plan everything.

"So sweetheart, you really want your birthday to be in Dex Diner?" Ines asked her son again.

"Yes. I like Dex. I want to my birthday to be there" he said looking at her mother

"You know we need to talk to Dex as soon as possible" she said moving his brown hair from his eyes.

"I know. I go with you"

"Yes you will mister," she said pulling into her and kissed his forehead. "I can't believe you will be 5 already. How time passed so fast. It feels like it was yesterday you were inside me, just like your brother is now."

"Time flies." Amidala smiled.

"It does and I don't like it," Ines replied with a smile

"Well soon you will have your last baby," she smiled at her daughter in law.

Ines looked at her belly and rub it. At 6 months pregnant, her belly was already big, and the baby was very active at the moment. Wince, she stretched a little.


"Your grandson decided to push one of his little feet on my kidneys."

"I don't miss that. Imagine having two."

"I know," she pointing to Padmé who leaned over her mother's belly.

"Hey Wuke don't hut mama, mistew," she said pointing her finger towards it, making Ines and Amidala laugh.

"Well you and your sister used to do the same thing, young lady. So he got that from his older sisters," she said tickling the little girl who giggled at her mother.

"I wish I could have witness those moments with Luke and Leia." Amidala sighed looking at her.

Ines smile at her. She knew her mother in law always felt guilty to be away from her kids.

"You did to protect them."

"I should have take them to be with me." she told Ines. "I miss their firsts words. Their first walk. Everything."

"Well now you can witness with your grandchildren," she smiled.

"You bet. I can't wait to hold that little one in my arms," Amidala said with a smile.

In the combat room, Luke was sitting on the floor, in front of Grogu. Both of them had their eyes close, letting the force flow through them, while Grogu was making a few objects float around him.

Since the lessons started again, Luke was able to teach Grogu how to use the force in a way that didn't tired him so quickly, and he was getting better. He didn't get sleepy so quickly by now.

The rest of the students were having body to body combat, while others were having a lightsaber duel, and others decided to use the virtual room.

They were getting better and better each day, and Luke already decided that at the end of this season, before summer vacations, they would graduate them and all of them, except Ken and Grogu, would be official Jedi Knights. They were ready. But even with that, they would continue to be in the Temple.

Opening his eyes, Luke smiled when Grogu did the same, putting everything on the floor slowly.

"Very good Grogu. You are getting better and better saving your energy while using the force."

Grogu looked at Luke and smiled

"Yes, I'm very proud of you."

"Hewe Gogu," Alli said giving his a cookie.

The little girl was watching them and admiring the objects floating.

"Sweetie, Papa already told not to give those things to Grogu while he is in class," Luke said smiling at his daughter.

"But Gogu done."

"Yes he is done, for today."

"I can do it too. Wanna see?" and Alli closed her eyes and all of the sudden every object started to float.

The students who were in the room, stopped what they were doing and watched her doing that. Even R2 started to float, which it didn't please the little droid, who beeped right away.

Then Alli opened her eyes, losing concentration and before Luke could say or so anything, everything fall on the floor, including little R2 who beeped right away.

"Sowy Atoo." Alli pout.

The droid stood up and rolled out of the room right away.

"Alli sweetie, you can't lose concentration all of the sudden or everything will fall or get hurt."

"Sowy Papa," she said pout sadly.

"Oh sweetie, don't be sad," He said wrapping his left arm around her and pulled her closer kissing her cheek "You did very good. Papa is very proud of you."

Alli looked at him and smiled.

"I think it is time to teach you how to not lose focus," he said standing up. "Come on, let's go to your mother."

Smiling Alli and Grogu followed him while sharing a cookie, which made Luke giggled at the scene.



Din met with Cara. After Grogu went with the Jedi, and they arrested Gideon, they took him to Nevarro, where he was being held since then.

"So, any news?" he asked her.

Cara sighed and shook her hand.

"He doesn't talk anything. We are tired of questioned him for the past month and nothing. But today he said he will only talk to a certain person."


"To a guy named Luke Skywalker," Cara told him.

"Let me guess, you need my help to find that guy."

"Well I know his name. He is the legendary Luke Skywalker, the hero of the Rebellion, the one who destroyed the first death Star and helped to end the Empire and the Emperor."

"Where is he?" Din asked her

"You are not going to believe it," she smiled.


"We met him. Almost two months ago. He is the Jedi who rescue Grogu."

"You're serious?"

"Yup. We need to bring him here to talk to Gideon. Why? I don't know. So I thought of you. After all you can pay a visit to Grogu."

"Thanks," Din said happy to finally see how the kid was.

So why Gideon only wants to talk to Luke. And apparently Grogu will have a visit soon.

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