Chapter 72 - Noah and Cindel

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Everyone looked at each other without any word

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Everyone looked at each other without any word. To be honest they didn't expect that the ones who sent the distress call was an old man and a child, but there they were and they didn't seem evil or anything.

Ines looked at her friends and family and shaking her head, she walked towards the two people and with a smile she raise her hand

"Well I'm glad we could help," she said shaking Noah's hand and then Cindel. "Sorry for the awkward silence but we didn't expect you, if you know what I mean."

"You expect some young pilot or something. Don't worry, I'm used to it," Noah smiled making Ines smiled back. She liked the man.

"I'm sorry. Well my name in Ines Skywalker," she said giggled when Noah and Cindel looked at each other with wide eyes.

She already got use to the reaction every time she or her husband said her last name.

"You mean," Cindel said.

"Yes, that Skywalker." Ines said, "And this is my husband The Luke Skywalker."

"Nice to meet you," Luke said shaking their hands.

"Nice to meet you too," Noah said adjusting his glasses. "We heard about you for a long time."

"I'm sure you are tired of hearing this right?" Cindel said making Luke laughed

"You get used to, trust mem" Luke said at the girl.

Ines decided to introduce the others to Noah and Cindel.

"This is my sister in law, Leia Solo and her husband Han Solo."

"Hello," Han said waving his hand.

"You mean General Han Solo and Princess Leia, the other leaders of the rebellion?" Cindel said smiling at them

"The ones," Leia said smiling.

"That is our dear friend Chewbacca," Han said.

Chewie growled making Cindel smile at the Wookiee.

"He looks scary but he is the most nicest Wookiee you will know," Ines said winking at her.

"And that is our friends Ahsoka Tano and Din Djarin." Luke said while Noa shook hands to everyone.

R2 came up followed by 3PO.

"Mistress Ines! Mistress Ines!" he said but stopped when he saw two new faces. "Oh my. Hello I am C-3PO human-cyborg relations and this is my counterpart R2-D2," he said to Cindel and Noah, making the girl smile, especially when R2 beeped.

"They are so cool," Cindel said to Noa.

"Yeah they are," Han said rolling his eyes making Leia elbow him.

"What is it 3PO," Ines asked.

"Mistress Gracy asked for you to return home cause little Luke is crying," the protocol droid informed.

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