Chapter 54 - At Home

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A week had passed since the fire in the lower levels and Gideon escape from the prison.

The senate was informed about what happened and also had access to the video from the moment Gideon escape. But a new revelation that came out didn't help. Apparently the Senate didn't ask any of the guards to go help the fight the fire, which it meant that probably the person was able to fool the guards, making more easier to execute the plan.

Also they tried to check the data from the prison archives, to see if Gideon had any visitors while he was in captivity, because clearly the person knew where the cameras were, and avoid any of them. But the data reveal that he didn't get any visitors at all, leaving everything in a dead end, and with no clues who the person was.

They all tried to see if any ship had left the docking hangar of Coruscant that day or in the next hours, but they were not be able to confirmed that, because sadly enough a lot of the ship had left the planet, and without knowing the fact, nobody had search the ships before it lift off.

Even if many though Gideon and the person were no longer in Coruscant, and this time they were probably were with Empire in their hiding place, some of them still believe they didn't left, and they were still hiding somewhere in the planet.

The Solos, the Skywalkers. Ahsoka and even Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar, alongside with some other Senators, like Senator Naluma Fau, the Senator of Naboo, where among those who still believe Gideon was still around.

Because of that, and knowing the plan that Thrawn had thankfully to an ally that were infiltrated in the Empire, and that Ahsoka truly believed it was her friend Ezra, they decided that for now it was for the best to stay at home, with the kids.

The students already had left to their planets, and in two weeks they would leave to Kashyyyk, even if they continue to acted like they would go to Varykino, like they always did during summer time.

Right now, it was a calm afternoon and the Solos decided to spend the day in Luke and Ines's apartment, and have dinner there.

Being at home, with two kids at the age of 3 was not easy, and they still though they were lucky, since they only have two with that age, since their oldest daughter Iris was already 12 years old.

But Luke and Ines, not only had two kids with almost 4, they also had one with 5 and a new baby with only 6 weeks old, so Han and Leia couldn't imagine what that week looked like to them.

While Ines, Leia and Iris were in the kitchen, talking about how the trip was plan, while Ines and Leia were making snacks for the family, and Iris was with baby Luke on her arms, Luke, Han and Chewie were in the living with the two sets of twins, Ben, Grogu and the two droids.

Luke was laying on one of the couches, with the girls sitting on top of his chest laughing, while Han and Chewie, were sitting on the other one, with their legs bend over on the couch, while Bail and Anakin were sitting on their lap.

Ben was sitting on the small one with Grogu, who was attentive to the book that Ben was seeing, enjoying the many pictures in it.

"I never thought that a week took so much to go through," Han sigh, looking at Anakin, who was sitting on his lap, with his chest pressing on his father's legs and arms resting on top of Han's knees, having his back turn to him.

"But it was for the best," Luke said looking at the girls. "Let Papa sit down now."

"No!" Padmé said to him.

"You can't put youw feet down, papa. The fwoo is wava, wemembe," Alli said to, grabbing Luke's face with her hands making him look at her.

Luke couldn't help but giggle and looked at Han.

"Well as you can see, Ines and I don't have a boring day," he laughed.

"We didn't either but sometimes I just want a peace time with my dear wife. And I only get when these two are taking their naps and at night," he said running his fingers on Anakin's back, making the little boy laughed.

"Papa..." Ani said laughing.

"What?" Han giggled continuing to run his fingers up and down his son's back, tickling him.

"Stop Papa!" Ani said between laughs.

"I'm not doing anything. It is someone else," Han laughed at the sound of his son laughing, to the point that the kid fart because of laughing.

Bail looked at Chewie and cover his mouth giggling.

"Did you fart on me young man?" Han asked.

Anakin laughed and let go another fart, making Han pulling him closer to him, rest his son back on his chest.

"You fart on your father?" Han asked smiling.

"Sowy," Anakin said looking up at Han smiling, while Han shook his head but kiss his son's cheek and ran his hand on Anakin's blond hair.

"You are indeed a Skywalker."

"Hey!" Luke said looking at his brother in law.

"Sorry kid but it is a fact" Han said winking at Luke.

Leia, Ines and Iris came to the living room with a tray of biscuits and salty snacks alongside with tea and Shuura juice.

The moment Bail saw the food he jumped off Chewie lap and grabbed a piece of bread with butter and started eating.

"And that look like his uncle Chewie," Han pointed at him, making Chewie look at him and growled. "Sorry buddy but you do eat, a lot."

"What is going on?" Leia sat down next to her husband.

"Well I can't put my feet on the ground cause my daughters wont let me, because we are playing the floor is lava," Luke said to his sister, but giggled when the girls got off his chest and went to the tray with the food.

"Well I think food is more important than the lava," Ines smiled when Luke sighed in relieve while he sat down.

"Yes I see that," he said to his daughters, especially when Padme and Alli grabbed some biscuits and bread and gave to Grogu and to their older brother.

"Do you imagine these in Kashyyyk in two weeks?" Iris said passing Luke to his father.

"By the way, speaking of which, Chewie family already have everything ready. We will stay in one of the tree houses that is big enough for all of us," Han said.

"Don't forget that Din, Ahsoka and my mother will join us too," Luke said.

"And my brother too," Ines said nodding.

Chewie growled indicating that there was room enough.

"It is all in the same tree, so don't worry," Han said.

"Will Aurea be with us?" Leia asked.

"She will leave in a few days to Naboo with Luma," Ines informed her.

"And did you already warn Cara about the latest news?" Han asked making Luke nod.

"Yes and as you can imagine she wasn't happy and who can blame her," Luke said rocking his son who was starting to awake.

"She thinks the same as us, that Gideon and that person who helped him escape, are still around." Ines said.

"The question is why?" Leia said making everyone nod in agreement.


In the lower levels, after coming from the abandoned part of the Coruscant to give supplies to hiding Gideon, Thrawn spy just had the latest mission for her. Trying to get access to the Jedi Archives in the Jedi Temple and she already knew when she would do it, especially now that the old woman was there all alone.

Soon they will leave to Kashyyyk, but something will happened before that happens. Will the spy be succeed it? And will she hurt Aurea?

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