Chapter 48 - Ben Skywalker ideas

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They looked at 5 years old Ben, who walked towards his parents.

"What do you mean sweetie?" Ines asked her son.

"I've heard you and daddy talk about what is going on, and I want to protect you all too. So, I saw one of the series where a big jewel is protected by the owner, using his blood. Only him can opened the vault where the jewel is, by pressing his thumb on a monitor, that it takes a drop of his blood and with that the vault opens." he said giving the drawing he made of device he saw on that series.

Luke grabbed it and was shocked of the detail the drawing had.

"Also, you can use that to opened the Temple doors when we are not there and at night, so nobody can enter it," the little boy looked at his father with a proud smile on his face.

"Did you think of that on your own, kid?" Han asked his nephew.

"Yes," Ben nod.

Luke look at the piece of paper and giving back to Han, he said.

"That is a great idea!"

"Great? That is genius," Han said looking at the paper. "How in a world a 5 years old kid thought of this?"

"Our father built 3PO when he was 9 years old. I, since I was a little boy, loved to built things since I was a kid. Ben is a Skywalker. He got the building genes for sure," Luke looked at his and smile proud if it.

"But one question, how the people in Temple will open the doors and have access to the archives?" Leia thought.

"Fingerprint, like mommy and daddy have on their bedroom door," Ben said right away

Leia and Han looked at Luke and Ines with a question expression on their face.

"When Luke and I want to lock the door for some privacy, the door can only open with our fingerprints," Ines said.

"I also thought that we can update 3PO and R2," he said grabbing another drawing.

"Like we need that," Han said rolling his eyes, making the little kids giggle at their father and uncle.

"Yes we need. Every time you need to talk to them, you have to use a comlink. What if you lose it?"

"Or a certain robot decided to turn it off when people are about to get crush in trash compactor," Han said looking at the protocol droid.

"With all respect General Solo, but guessing when and where people are, it still not in my program," 3PO said.

"Why you..." Han started, being stopped by Leia.

"Han stop it," she said to her husband, while Luke and Ines had to hold a laugh, especially when Padmé looked at her uncle.

"Don't hit Eepio," she said pointing the finger at him, something that the twins did every time they were upset.

"Yeah. Bad Uncwe," Alli said imitating her twin sister.

"Sorry," Han said to them.

Ben looked at them with his hands on his hips, upset that he was interrupted.

"You can continue sweetie, sorry," Ines said smiling at her son. She was so proud of her, as she looked at baby Luke, who was on his cousin Iris arms at the moment.

"As I was saying, I thought to put a comlink in 3PO and R2, that have a connection to your watches on your wrist. All you can do is talk to it and no matter where 3PO and R2 are, they can hear it." Ben said grabbing Luke left wrist where he had his communicator watch.

"That is a great idea, son," Luke said to him.

"That is why you did what you did to 3PO the other time, when your father went to get Grogu?" Ines looked at her son, who nod.

"I want to see if it was possible, but for that I had to opened it," Ben giggled.

"Poor 3PO," Ines said smiling.

"Do you think it is possible to do it?" Han said to Chewie who growled.

"I also can contact the guys who did the rooms of the Temple. They are the best on that type of technology and I trust them," Ines said smiling.

"Then let's do it as soon as possible, but instead of only my blood I want yours too sweetheart. You are also a Master and it is always good to have a backup."


"Okay," Han said. "We better go and give dinner to these two! They are always hungry, especially that one," and he stood up, picking up Anakin while Leia got Bail.

"I wonder where he got that?" Leia said looking at her husband. "Come on Iris, sweetie," she told her daughter that was holding Luke at the moment.

"Okay," she told passing the baby towards his mother "Here you go baby" she smiled kissing the little baby forehead making a baby sound and moved his little arms. "I miss when those two were like this. At least they didn't ran to my bedroom in the morning, jumped into my bed and scream at me to wake up," she told looking at her twin brothers.

"I know your pain cousin Iris," Ben said tapping his cousin in the arm making the 12 years old girl laugh at that.

"I know," she told. "Bye aunt Ines. Bye Uncle Luke."

"Bye Iris and anytime you want to help me with your cousin, you can. Although I bet someone need to approve it," Ines said looking at the twins who looked at her.

"Mama I'm hungwy," Padmé looked at her mother.

"Apparently these two are hungry too," Ines said.

"See you all tomorrow," Han said.

"Okay, Leia training at the same hour," Luke said to his sister.

"Got it," she said and they left, being followed by Chewie and 3PO, leaving Luke and Ines with the kids and R2.

So Ben had some good plans. What did you think of those?

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