Chapter 102 - The Truth

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The day had passed, and after put the kids to bed with his kids, Ken went back to the living room and sat down with his son and daughter and his daughter and son in laws.

He knew they were hiding something that had to do with Edmar. Somehow he sensed that the death of the Edmar was way more complicated and darker, and his kids didn't want to tell him right away, but he needed to know.

"So, are you guys going to tell me what happened to Edmar, or not?" he asked looking at them.

Ines and Dan looked at their spouses and then at their father. They knew they couldn't hide for long why and how Edmar died.

"Maybe you really need to know." Dan started.

"But please just hear us first and let us tell you everything first." Ines said.

Ken looked at her and then to his son and with a nod, they started to tell them what happened since the day they left Alderaan and how they discovered how Edmar was alive until the day he killed himself, back in Varykino, at the same time Ines was giving birth Padmé and Alli.

Ken couldn't believe what they were telling him. But like he agreed, he listened till the end.

Once Dan and Ines told him the whole story, Ken stayed silence for a while, processing everything he just heard minutes ago.

"Father, are you okay?" Ines asked him grabbing his hands and squeezing it, making Ken looked at his daughter.

Smiling sadly he kissed her hand and shook his head.

"Of course I'm not okay. You just told me that your brother, my middle son, worked for the Empire, the same people who we fought to go against all of our lives? How is that possible? How could he do that?" he started to say, before standing up and started to pace back and forth in the living room.

Stopping he looked at them.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Mr. Talia, we are sure. We saw footage of Edmar back in Bespin." Luke said to him.

"Besides he told us himself." Ines nod looking at her father.

Standing up, she walked towards her father and made him looked at her.

"But in the end he redeemed himself. He saved Dan, Gracy and Ken. He sent Luke his lightsaber, and he gave us important information." she told him.

"But a lot of our friends died, including your mother." he said sadly.

"How did you survive? We thought we you were dead too?" Dan asked his father.

"My memory is not fully recovered but I remember that Bail sent me to Coruscant for an emergency meeting in the Senate." he told them.

"That is right. You weren't with him when he arrived at Alderaan, after you came from Yavin 4." Dan said nodding.

"I was planning to not take too long. Then news started to run down the Capital that the Empire had destroyed a planet. It took a while to know which planet was. When we find out, I couldn't believe. I thought I lost all of you."

"But you didn't?" Ines said to him.

"How did you get arrested?" Luke asked.

"Well the Emperor was suspicious on some traitors in the Senate. After he dissolve it, some of us were arrested. Many of them died, other were torture, especially when the news of the Death Star being blown up by the Rebels. Things got worse."

"I can't imagine what you went through." Dan sighed.

"I started to let my mind go somewhere else. Like a refuge or something to the point I didn't know what was real or not. With the fall of the Empire and the death of the Emperor, many of us got free. I didn't know where to go. I travel through the galaxy, until I settle down in Naboo and few years ago."

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