Chapter 14 - Advice from friends

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The ship landed in Coruscant Hangar and Luke and Ines just left from it holding their luggage.

For the past month they were out of their home, for their honeymoon, and it was a great month, except last night, when they have a big fight.

After leaving the bedroom, Luke had to find Mr Kelen and tell an excuse why he and Ines couldn't have dinner with him.

He hated that he had to lie to that man, because Ines acted like their kids and made a jealous tantrum over his dead girlfriend.

He didn't want to talk with her at the moment, so he decided to meet Tank and stayed there for the rest of day, only return when the night was way ahead and Ines was already laying in bed.

The trip to Coruscant the next was made in silence, and now that they were finally back, they head to their apartment, where they put the luggage away.

Looking at Luke, Ines knew he was still upset with her, since he didn't say a single word since last night and she couldn't blame him for that.

"What do you want for dinner?" she said looking at him, hoping that at least he could said something to her, but instead of that, he simple, grabbed his lightsaber, put it on his belt and left without even answering, leaving Ines alone.

Sighing she sat down on the bed. She never saw Luke upset with her like that, to the point he didn't want to talk to her, or even wrapped his arms around her at night.

Resting her right hand on her belly, she felt sad.

"Your father is really mad at me and I can't blame him. Your mother screw this time, and I'm sorry," she said with tears rolling down her face. "I just want your brother and sisters to be here soon cause I feel so lonely now and I deserve to be alone."

Groaning she rub her belly.

"Please don't tell me you will be like your brother and make my life a living hell the first 3 months?" she asked taking deep breaths but the nausea didn't go away. "Yup you are."

Standing up she ran towards the bathroom, and sticking her head on the toilet she throw up.

After a while, she flush the toilet and went to clean her mouth and brush her teeth when she heard someone calling her.

"Hello. Ines?"

Entering in the living room she saw Luma.

"Hey Luma," Ines said.

The moment Luma saw Ines, she knew something was not right.

"What's wrong?" she said as Ines sat on the couch sighing.

"Everything my friend," Ines told her.

"Are you sick? You look so pale!"

"I just throw up minutes ago and I'm still a little nauseous" Ines said groaning again.

"Did you eat anything? Maybe your stomach is empty."

Ines couldn't help but smile at that.

"Trust me, my stomach is not empty at this moment," she told her making her friend frown "I throw up because I'm pregnant."

"Oh my goodness. Congratulations. I'm sure Luke is so happy right now," Luma said.

At the name of Luke, Ines looked at her belly and started to cry, which made Luma panicking.

"Ines, why are you crying?" she said pulling her friend into a hug.

"I didn't tell Luke yet. We had a big fight last night and he doesn't talk to me ever since."

"Luke doesn't talk to you. I'm sure that was a nasty fight, because Luke not talking to you when we all know he is crazy about you, it says a lot." Luma said. "What happened?"

Ines started telling Luma what happened last night in Hosnian. When she finished, Luma looked at at Ines shacking her head.

"I know. I'm stupid and I deserve the silence treatment from him, but when I hear her name I just get jealous and I lose it."

"Did you tell him why you feel that way?"

Ines looked at Luma and shook her head.

"Oh come on Ines. He is your husband. If you don't tell him your feelings, of course he would think you acted like a spoiled brat and of course he thinks you still don't trust him or his love for you, which it is not case."

"I know, but he will think I'm stupid for feeling this way."

"At least he will have a reason why you acted the way you did."

Ines looked at Luma. She was right. And he needed to know about the baby. She couldn't wait any longer.


Luke entered in Dex Diner and smiled when Dex opened his fours arms when he saw him.

"Hey, look who just arrive from his honeymoon. How was it?"

"It was fine," Luke said as they seat down in one of the benches.

"Fine? I thought you would come here saying it was amazing, that you enjoyed being with Ines, only the two of you. And you say it was fine with that face? What is going on?"

"It was fine and I loved it until yesterday when Ines just make a scene only because I accepted a dinner with Fayet Kelen."

"Kelen. You mean Nakari's father. Oh Luke," Dex said shaking his head.

"What? Not you too Dex. Nakari is dead and I'm with her. I love her, she is the mother of my children, I don't get it why she feel so jealous of someone that is dead."

"Did you ask her why she feels like that. Because I saw a lot of girls flirting with you with Ines by your side and she didn't care about it, because she knows you. So if she acts like that when Nakari's name is spoken, don't you think it has a reason for that?"

Luke looked down at his hands. He didn't think about that and in a way he has a suspicious why was that.

"I guess."

"You two need to talk. Ask her. Besides looking at you, it easy to see you are miserable and knowing Ines, I'm sure she is too. You two can't live without each other. Besides the kids are arriving in two days, don't let the kids come with their parents upset with each other."

"You are right. Thanks Dex."

"Hey always a pleasure to help a friend."

After a while, Luke decided it was time for him and Ines have a conversation, mainly because he couldn't spend another day without having her in his arms.

Finally Luke and Ines will talk thanks to two good friends. How do you think it will go?

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