Chapter 103 - The Message

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2 Weeks Later:

Luke was walking around the Jedi Temple, in Coruscant, watching his new students training with the help of their older ones, and of course with the help of his wife Ines, and his friend Ahsoka.

He and his family returned from Naboo just 2 weeks ago, and during that time, he took time to prepare everything.

Of course the day they arrived everyone wanted to talk to him, making sure he was back with his memory, but they also get surprise when they saw Ken arriving too, especially Leia, who just like Ines and Dan thought he had died when Alderaan was destroyed by the Empire.

Ken was adapting to the whole new family, back in Coruscant.

Just like they already had decided, he would be living with Dan and Gracy in their apartment, while he would worked for Leia in the Senate, being back her right arm, just like he was with her adopted father: Bail Organa.

Also for the past time, there was no news from the enemies, which was no surprise from them, since his father already had warn him back in Dagobah that probably they were trying to get forces, so it would be normal if they would be silence for a while.

He knew that he couldn't just relax either. He needed also to get ready and not put his guards down too, especially when he knew for sure that Thrawn and his allies knew he had that crystal. As long they didn't know who was its true owner he would be fine, but he still need to make sure his little daughter would be protected.

Clapping his hands, everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Okay guys. Let's stop for now." he said looking at the old but also new faces. "Get inside and have lunch. We will return at 1400 hours."

Smiling when the new kids just smiled and ran inside, he just shook his head, watching them disappear, while Ahsoka and Ines approached him.

"How is Cindel doing?" Ines asked them.

"She is doing great. Besides your nephew is helping her." Ahsoka smiled, which made Ines smiled too.

"I'm also very happy that Noah decided to help Aurea with the kids. It is nice for her to have an adult. And when the kids are on vacations, she stays at their home." Luke smiled at that.

"Yes, he was very kind to that." Ines agreed.

"How is your father doing?" Ahsoka asked her.

"Actually he is doing well. He is helping Leia in the Senate, just like he did with Bail Organa."

"And what bout his memory?"

"Is coming back. I think it was more about the trauma."

"Where is he right now?" she asked them.

"Well I hope he is coming here with the kids, since we need to have lunch too." Ines said looking at the time.

Then they heard laughter at the entrance at the Temple, and looking at it they saw the two sets of twins running towards them.

"Hey, slow down the four of you!" Luke said shaking his head when his daughters and nephews stop near them.

"Uncle Wuke we are pwaing!" Ani said looking to him.

"Running is not playing young man." Luke told his nephew smiling.

"Yes it is. You are too old to understand." Padmé said to her father, making Luke looked at his wife and Ahsoka.

"Did you hear that? My own daughter called me old."

"You are old, Papa." she said.

"Oh really, I will give you the old." he said and grabbing his daughter he picked her up and put on top of his shoulder, making the little girl laughed at loud.

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