Chapter 77 - Back at Yavin 4

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The 3 ships landing in the Yavin 4 hangar, since Din had decided to not follow them. Deciding to go where Bo Katan was to get some information and then met them where the crystal was.

They had left Kashyyyk a few days ago and now they were at the same system where everything started 10 years ago, where they destroyed the first Death Star, the first victory of the Rebellion and the beginning of the fall of the Empire.

They came out of the ship and Han looked around.

"Wow this is a little empty comparing the first time we came here," he said looking at Chewie who growled.

"How long we going to stay here father?" Iris asked looking around.

"It depends. If we got that device quickly maybe not to long." he said wrapping his arms around his daughter.

Leia and Amidala came right behind them, each one holding hands with one of the twins, that the first time they saw the opened space of the hangar, they let go their mother and grandmother hands and started running around, laughing.

"At least someone is already having fun," Leia laughed at her boys.

"Come Pamé. Come Awi," Bail called his cousins when Luke and Ines came out of their ship, followed by the Talias.

The moment their cousins called them, the Skywalker twins followed their cousins laughing, being followed by 2 years world cousin Zena and Grogu who climbed on top of R2 as the droid started to followed the little girl watching her closer, while he watched the other kids at the same time, while Zena giggled at them, wanted to play too.

"R2 where are you going? Wait for me," 3PO said going after his friend making the other grown kids laughed at the scene.

"Well here they have more space to play," Gracy said looking around.

"So this is the place where your story started as the legend of the Rebellion?" Dan said tapping his brother in law shoulder.

"Yes," Luke said looking around. "A lot of memories here."

Noa and Cindel walked towards them.

"I never being here before," the girl looked around.

"Me neither," Amidala smiled. "But I heard stories about it. This was the place where everything started. Where the rebellion made a plan to destroyed the Death Star."

"Yes. My father, Bail Organa, was here with Mon Mothma. After the Jedi Purge, they hid here for a long time."

"What happened after the battle?" Noa asked.

"We stayed here for a while but of course we had to leave. The news of the destruction of the Death Star, spread around the galaxy and it was in no time that the Empire would send the troops to be here. So we were going from system to system hiding for the next 3 years." Luke informed.

"We stayed in Hoth for a month and then the Empire founds us again," Ines said to the girl.

"And that was when you got separated, right?" Ben said looking at his parents. "You went with uncle Han and aunt Leia and 3PO and daddy went with R2 to Dagobah to find Master Yoda."

"That's right," Leia said.

"So where are we going to sleep?" Iris asked looking at the adults.

"The dormitories. I think they will need a cleaning first" Leia said to her daughter

"Great" she said rolling her eyes

"Then come on. The sooner we started the sooner we finish" Gracy said.

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