Chapter 96 - Alive?

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Ines looked at Luke with wide eyes, and gasped, while holding their Alli between her arms.

"What did you say?" she asked.

Luke knew what she was feeling, and deep inside he didn't want to say this important news like this to her, but he didn't want to wait either.

"I need you to be calm, my love."

"Luke, you said that Jewels is my father. How did you know that?" she asked again. "And are you sure about this?"

Luke nod.

"Yes, I am sure." he started to tell her what happened when he arrived to the market and what Jewels started to tell about his family and his daughter, before he snapped and looked at him like nothing had happened, smiling.

"I need to go to him. I need to bring him back." she said trying to get up, but Luke grabbed her arm.

"Sweetie wait!" he told her.

Looking at Yuri, Luke called her.

"Yuri, can you take the kids inside, please?" he asked her.

"Of course, Master Skywalker." Yuri smiled looking at the kids. Picking up baby Luke, who babble at her, she looked at Alli. "Alli, sweetie do you want to help to make a birthday cake for your Mama?"

"Yes!" the little girl said right away smiling, and getting up she followed Yuri, already telling what she wanted in the cake.

Luke looked at Ines, and made her look at him.

"Luke, please. If my father is Jewels, like you say, and I believe in your instincts, after all, I had this feeling since yesterday too, you got to let me go to him. Bring him back here, and take with us to Coruscant." she said with tears in her eyes, making Luke stroke her cheeks with the palms of his hands.

"Ines, we will do that. But first, we need to wait for your brother to arrive. You called him, didn't you?"

"Yes, this morning, when you left. I called him, explained what was happening. I also called Ahsoka and she said we can stay as much as we want here in Naboo, that she can handle the situation. After all she has the help of the older students."

"Okay then, so, when your brother arrive, we need to tell him about it, and then the three of us go there and try to talk to Jewels, or Ken, your father. But we need to go with calm. You saw how confuse he is, didn't you?"

Ines sighed and nod again.

"But he is here, Luke." she said standing up and looking back at him. "For years I thought I lost my family. My parents. My brothers. Everyone. I was all alone back at the Falcon 10 years ago. Then I find out one of brother's was alive, and then he killed himself. But then I got my older brother back, along side with my sister in law and nephew." she continue. "When I knew your mother was alive, I was so happy that at least our kids would have a grandparent alive. I wish at least one of my parents was here to see me now. To see our kids. And now I discovered that my father is alive. Of course I want to be with him right now. What if he leaves and I lost track of him?" she started crying, making Luke stood and up, and walking towards he pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly in his arms, letting her cry.

Deep inside he knew what she was feeling.

"You will not going to lose him again, I promise you." he said, making her look at him. "Your brother will arrive in two days and I swear, I will make sure he isn't going anywhere. Then when Dan arrives, we tell him everything and we will figure this out. But for now, we need to be act wisely. Okay?"

"Okay." she said wiping the tears from her cheeks. "My father is alive." she smiled at the end.

"Yes he is. What if he doesn't like me?" he said all of the sudden, making Ines laughed at that.


"What? I never had a father in law before."

"Oh Luke. Only you to make me laugh right now." she laughed hugging him.

"But today it is your birthday and apparently, our daughter is doing your birthday cake."

"I wish our Ben and Padmé would me here with us. I miss my babies so much."

"I miss them too. But in two days, they will be here and we will not them go." he smiled at her.

"Thank you."

"For what, sweetheart?"

"For loving me and be with me and by my side in everything that happens in my life. Good or bad."

"I'm your husband. Besides you were also by my side." he smiled and pulled her into a kiss.

"I love you." she said, when they pulled apart.

"I love you too. And happy birthday my love."

"29 years old. I'm getting old. Soon you will see another young, and beautiful girl for sure and stop find me attractive." she pout making Luke laughed at that remark.

"Really, Ines? Do you think I will ever stop find you attractive?" he asked. "Ines, babe. You are beautiful. You are the mother of my children, and there is any other woman in this galaxy that I would ever want in my life, but you. No matter how many years it pass."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Besides, later on, I will show how much attractive I think you are." he winked at her, making her smile.

"I can't wait for that now!"

"Come on, let's get inside and see what one of our sweet twins is doing."

"I hope not destroying your grandparents kitchen." Ines replied as they walked towards inside the house.

So Luke told Ines her father is alive. What do you think will happen?

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