Chapter 52 - Worst News

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After getting everyone at the entrance of the Jedi Temple, Ahsoka and Dan ran towards the edge of the upper levels, trying to get some news about what was happening in the lower levels, while the others stayed at the top of the big stairs of the Temple, looking at the dark smoke.

After a while they climbed down the stairs.

"So what happened?" Luke ask them

"A fire began at one of the dark alleys and is spreading over the nearby houses," Dan said

"Those people need help," Ahsoka said, and Luke nod in agreement.

"There are good people there," Aurea said with a sad face.

Luke looked at her and he remembered that he met Aurea there, and there was nice people like her living in those levels.

"Babe, Ahsoka is right." Ines spoke next to him.

Looking at her and then to the faces that were looking at him, he spoke.

"I agree." he started. "The students that live here, go to your homes and be attentive."

"Yes Master Luke," Kino nod and with Qoli, Davi, Idda and Yana, they all left.

"The rest of the students and Aurea, once we leave, lock the Temple doors and the Jedi Archives. We better be careful, after all we don't know why that fire started there."

"You think it can be decoy?" Han asked him

"Everything is possible."

Chewie growled and nod, clearly showing he was agreeing with Luke.

"I want all of you to go home and stay there," Luke looking at Ines and Leia.

"We can help," Leia said.

"We know, but we need someone to be with kids and protect them. You understand what I mean, right?" Luke said looking at his twin sister.

"Luke is right," Han said. "We can't let anything or anyone be near them."

"Come Leia. Your mother and Gracy can come too, alongside with 3PO," Ines said making Leia nod. She knew they were right.

"Okay. So, Ahsoka, Han, Chewie, Dan and I will go and see the damage and help," Luke said.

"R2 can come to help with the fire," Ahsoka said making the little droid beeped all excited.

"Then let's go," Luke said and kissed Ines.

"Be careful," she said.

"Don't worry my love," he replied and they left towards the lower levels, while the others went to their apartment, while Aurea and the rest of the students close the Temple doors.


Once they arrived to the lower levels, they could see it was way worst then they imagine.

A lot of people we running away, and the ones who were there, were trying to help to end the fire, and especially avowing the flames to reach the bar.

Dark smoke filled the lower streets, making difficult to see and even breath.

R2 beeped and approaching a fire it was able to to extinguished it.

"Help, my baby is trapped," a woman came in their direction crying.

"Where?" Luke asked.

"There," she pointed to what he looked like a small place where they could see smoke coming out of it.

Looking at his friends, he said.

"Help them. I will try to get the child. I will meet you there," he said and ran towards the place.

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