Chapter 88 - Happy

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Putting baby Luke in his floating crib, Luke pulled his wife into his arms, and pulled her into a kiss. He had just regain his memory and now he wanted to kiss his wife all over again.

Pulling apart she smiled back at him, while Alli giggled at the scene. Looking at his daughter, he went to her and picking her up, he kissed her forehead.

"Do you have memowy back Papa?"

"Yes sweetie. Papa got his memory back."

"Do you wemember me, and Padmé and Ben and Wuke and Mama?" she said making Luke giggling at her.

"Yes young lady. I remember all of you." he said smiling when she hugged him.

"I think I know someone who really needs to know this." Ines said looking at him. "How about we call home and tell them the news?"

"Yay." Alli said smiling.

"Then let's do it." Ines said and sitting around with her baby on her lap, and Luke by her side with Alli on his lap, they called Coruscant and waited for the monitor light up and the face of Amidala appeared, smiling when she saw Ines and Luke.

"Hey mother." Luke said to her.

"Luke, son. How are you?" she asked

"I'm okay." he said looking at Ines and smiling at her before looking back at the monitor. "I'm really okay now"

"And Alli is fine now too?"

"Yes, Alli is fully recovered now." Ines said

"Gandma Papa memowy is back." Alli said smiling, making Amidala gasped at the news.

"Is that true?"

"Yes mother. I remember everything now." he said smiling

"Oh dear, that is great news. I'm so happy for you. The kids will love it"

"Where are they?" Ines asked her mother in law.

"They are inside. But I will call them." Amidala said and looking aside she called the kids, who after a while they appeared in front of the monitor, with Grogu as well, who wave at Alli when he saw his best friend.

"Hi Gogu. I'm okay now." she smiled.

"Hello sweeties, how are you?" Ines asked the moment she saw them.

"We miss you Mama!" Padmé said

"I miss you too sweetie. We all miss you. Your siblings and your Papa miss you too"

Ben looked at Luke.

"Do you?" the kid asked him

"Yes my son. Daddy miss you and yes Ben, I remember everything."

Ben look at his father and then to his mother and grandmother

"You do remember us. You have your memory again?"

"Yes sweetie. I'm sorry if I didn't remember sooner, but now I do and I love you so much. And I love you too my sweet Padmé."

"I wove you Papa."

Grogu babble making Luke smile

"Yes Grogu I love you too and I remember you too"

"When you will come back?" Ben asked

"Well we need to stay here for at least 24 hours more, so we will leave in two day, and we are going to stop at Naboo first." Ines said "Right babe?

"Yes. I need to see my grandparents and tell them I'm okay now"

"I think you do the right thing son." Amidala said

"You mean you will not be able to be here on mommy's birthday?" Ben asked

"We will not be able to be there in time sweetie. Since my birthday is in 4 days we are going to be in Coruscant, but when we arrived we will celebrate with you. Okay?"

"Okay." the kids said.

"How is everyone else there?" Luke asked

"Everyone is fine. They miss you and they were worried about you and Alli, but they will be so happy to know that she is fine and you are back." Amidala said

"How are Noa and Cindel doing?" Ines asked her

"They are adapting pretty well actually." she replied to her daughter in law

"And where is Ahsoka?" Luke asked his mother

"She is preparing everything for the students arrival. Aurea already is here and everything is getting ready."

"Any news?" Luke asked and Amidala knew what he was asking

"So far no. Which we believe they still don't know we have the crystal."

"Let's hope they wont find out soon" Ines said "Well we have to go. Bye sweeties and tell everyone we miss them"

"I will, right kids?"

"Yes." Padmé said. "Bye Mama, Bye Papa, Bye Awi, bye Wule, bye Atoo." the little girl wave

"Bye." Ben said waving too

"Bye sweeties, we love you." Luke said and the monitor went black.

Looking back at her husband Ines smiled

"You do remember everything." she giggled

"Yes I do. I even remember how we made that little one." he said looking at their baby boy who was on his mother's lap.

"Oh really?" she smiled back and smirked when Luke leaned forward and whispered on her ear, making blush and slap his left arm.

"Luke!" she said with wide eyes.

"I just wanted to show you that I do remember everything." he winked at her

"What is it Papa?" Alli asked looking at him

"Nothing young lady. Is it Mama and Papa's talk." he said kissing the top of her head. "Come on, let's go to the hut and eat something. We need it"

Standing up they head to the hut.


Later on, while it was raining outside, Luke and Ines were already inside Master Yoda's hut. Alli and Luke were already sleeping, while R2 were resting too.

Resting his back against one of the walls of the hut, Luke had Ines between his legs, resting her back against his chest while both were covered by a blanket.

Looking back at him Ines smile, while running her hands through his blond hair.

"I can't believe you are back."

"I was here all along, sweetheart." Luke smiled at her.

"You know what I mean." she said looking at him, this time her face was serious. "You were here but at the same time you weren't. You didn't knew who I and our kids were and that made me scare and sad at the same time"

"I'm sorry babe."

"You don't have to say sorry. You didn't lost your memory on purpose. It was an accident." she said.

"I know, but I should have known that crystal had some kind of the protection. And I smarter than that." Luke said kissing Ines forehead.

"I was so scared when I saw you flew across the room and land unconscious on the floor. I thought I lost you and then I remember that bad feeling I was talking about back in Yavin 4"

"Well, like you said I'm back. And soon we will be back in Coruscant so I can hug my other kids and say how much I love them in person." he said looking down at her. "But how about we get some rest."

"I like that, special now that I finally can sleep in your arms again." she said resting her head on his chest, and smiling when she felt his arms wrapped rightly around her, before both close their eyes and finally fall asleep in each other's arms once again, like always.

Luke and Ines will leave Dagobah but they will stop in Naboo first to see Luke's grandparents. But before they leave Dagobah they will do something first.

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