Chapter 23 - Everything alright

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After being with her family and talk about the times Amidala was with Ken Talia, before the Empire born, they knew that they still need to talk to Leia about the fact Amidala was alive.

"Did you talk to Leia already?" Ines asked holding her daughter Padmé, who was very quiet on her lap, looking at her grandmother, while her twin sister, Alli was on Amidala's lap, sucking her right thumb, enjoying being held by her grandmother.

Ben was on the floor, still drawing with R2 near him, since he was was drawing the little droid.

"No, we didn't," Amidala said.

"But we need it," Luke loot at his mother.

"I know I need to talk to your sister, but I also know she will not accept that easily like you," she looked at Luke.

"But you need it. Leia will be upset if she enters here a sees you, without knowing, you know how she will take it." Ines told them.

"Maybe I should go to her apartment and talk to her," Luke told them.

"That is okay son, I can talk to her some other time."

"Hey, how about you have dinner with us. Luke can go to Leia's apartment and talk to her. If she wants to have a conversation with you, then she talks to you when she feels like."

"I don't want to get you in trouble."

"Ines is right. Have dinner with us. I will talk to Leia," Luke said kissing Alli's top of her head.

"She really likes to be with you," Ines smiled looking at her daughter.

"And I would love having my grand kids on my lap. They are so cute," she said resting her cheek on top of Alli's head.

"This little one is still don't know what to think," Ines giggled looking at her Padmé, who was still on her mother's lap.

"Sweetie don't you want to be on your grandmother's lap?" Luke asked his daughter.

"Come Pame," Alli called her twin.

Smiling, the little girl jumped from her mother's lap, and went to Amidala's lap, which made her smile with her two granddaughters on her lap.

"Okay, you go talk to Leia. I will prepare dinner," Ines talked to Luke.

"I will."

"Do you want to help mama with dinner?"

"Ye," the little girls said nodding.

"Then grandmother will help too," Amidala said.

"Sweetie will you stay here, or you want to go with your father?" Ines asked to Ben.

"I want to drawn," the kid said.

"Okay then."

"I will go talk to Leia," Luke said kissing Ines and then go to Leia's apartment.


Solo's apartment:

Luke entered inside her sister's home, and stopped, shocked with the noise of crying from his two nephews.

Iris went to his direction with some books under her arm.

"Hey, what is going on here?" he asked his niece.

"Uncle Luke, today the twins decided to act like crazy," she told him.

"What happened?"

"Bail decided to take Ani Falcon's toy, and you know how Ani is with his toys, especially with the Falcon one. So Ani went after him, trying to take it from Bail, and Bail throw the toy towards Ani, hitting him on the forehead."

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