Chapter 35 - A new enemy?

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The Falcon landed inside the Coruscant Hangar. Waiting for them were already the Guards of the Republic, ready to grabbed Gideon and take him to the Coruscant prison, where he would be until his trial, and his faith being decided.

Ines was there with Alli and Grogu, the little girl didn't want to stay in the Temple with her siblings, twin cousins and grandmother, and Grogu didn't want to be there without her, alongside with Leia, who decided to wait for them and see who was the man who almost killed her niece when she was just a small weeks baby.

Dan was the chief of the Guards and he was ready to grabbed the man who almost killed his niece, and took him to prison.

They all came out of the Falcon, Alli called Luke.

"Papa," she screamed and ran towards him, making Luke picked her up and hold her tightly on his arms.

"My little love," he said kissing her cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Gogu and I took cawe of mama and Wuke," she said.

"Thank you for taking care of them for Papa," he smiled at her.

Cara passed by them, holding Gideon's arm.

The moment he saw the little girl, Gideon smiled at that.

"She is getting big, and I bet more powerful."

Luke hold his daughter tightly and looked at him.

"Yes she is, you failed," he said.

Looking at Gideon, Alli pointed at him.

"Bad man."

"Feisty too."

"She will be a great pain in the ass for all of you in the future. Trust me," Luke smiled at him.

Ines approached them and without a single word, she slapped the man, making everyone around in silence.

"This is for what you did to my daughter years ago. And if you get near my kids again, next time will not be a slap," she said told him.

Grabbing his arm, Dan dragged Gideon hardly, making him looked at Dan. Seeing the way he was looking at him, Dan spoke

"I'm the uncle, so don't try me. Move it."

Cara decided to go with them, to make sure he would be in prison and then she would go with Dan towards the Temple, where they decided to go.

"It is over," Leia said

"No it is not," Han told his wife, getting a question look from her.

"What do you mean is not?" she asked looking at him and then to her brother.

"We better go to the Temple. We explain everything," Luke said and the all went to the Jedi Temple, where the kids ran to their parents, happy to have them back.


After Cara and Dan return from the prison, where they left Gideon, Luke started to explained to everyone what Gideon said to them, back in Nevarro, about the new enemy that was raising, by the name Thrawn.

"Do you think he was telling the truth, or was just to make us nervous and fear them?" Amidala asked her son.

"He was telling the truth," he told her

"I think so too," Han nod. "He looked pretty damn serious about it."

"Okay so what we will going to do?" Ines asked. "Because if there is a new enemy that is as threatening as the Emperor, we need to be prepare. And for that we need everyone to be on our side" she said looking at Din.

"My wife is right. The new republic, as the name says it, it is new. We lost a lot during those many battle. Yavin 4 was devastating by them, Hoth is out of question. So this time we can't go hide from base to base,"

"Of course not. People who battle against the Empire now have families. You two have kids now." Aurea said.

"That means we need to fight from here and I'm sure that guy, is gathering allies to fight back and attack Coruscant, the heart of New Republic," Leia said.

"So we do the same. We gather allies. There are a lot of systems out there, that even if they decided to be neutral now, they are thankful that the Empire is gone," Han said.

Luke nod. His brother in law was right.

"Han is right." he said. "Din, we need your help. Because if that guy raise in power, he will be also a threat to your kind. I think it is time for the Jedi and the Mandalorian put their past behind and fight together."

Din looked at Luke and everyone in that room. Grogu babble at him and he smiled

"I agree. I will make sure we will fight together. This is the way," he said and he and Luke shook hands.

"Thank you," Ines said.

"You can count on us too," Cara said.

"Master Luke we are ready to fight by your side," Nelah said making Luke proud of his students.

"I know and I'm proud of you," he said

"Do you think that some Jedi that are out there could come and help?" Amidala asked all of the sudden

"I wish but for that we need to find them, or let them come to us," Luke said to her. "But now we need to know everything about that guy and Qoli, there is not better person to do that investigation but you."

The boy smiled proudly.

"I will start right away Master Luke," he said.

"This is it people." he said.


Later that night:

"Oh yes baby." Ines moaned with her eyes close. "Right there. That feels so good. Don't stop." she said making Luke giggled.

She was between his legs, with her back turn to him, while Luke was massaging her lower back. Being 7 months pregnant, her back started to hurt, and she was enjoying a little massage from her husband.

"You really were tense babe."

"With everything going on and your son getting bigger by the minute, no wonder my back hurt. But I'm lucky to have an amazing husband that can give awesome massages," she giggled, when Luke kissed her left shoulder.

"I will do anything to make you feel better. You are caring my child again," he said as he continue to massage her back.

After a few minutes of silence, Ines asked him.

"Babe, do you think there are any Jedi out there still hiding?"

"I don't know, but I hope so, and I hope they can find us."

"Maybe we finally meet your father's old Padawan," she said.

"I hope so." he said.

After finished the massage, they lay under the covers and pulling her closer to him, he kissed her forehead, while rubbed her belly.

"A lot of things will change but for now, all I want to think is you and this little one," he said.

"I love you," Ines smiled at him.

"I love you more," he said kissing her first and then kissing her belly he said. "And I love you too Luke."

Smiling and holding her closer to him, they both fell asleep.

Gideon is prison in Coruscant and new allies started to emerge to fight this new enemy.

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