Chapter 43 - Family

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After the talk in the Temple, they decided it was for the best if Dan went to the Senate and talk to Leia what he discovered. They were sure Leia would informed Mon Mothma and Ackbar about it. They would know what to do. So far all they could do was wait and hope the ones who survived the attack, could reach Coruscant safely and had some news about who attacked and the right spot where it happened.

At that moment, and after having dinner, Luke was sitting on one of the couches of the living room, with each of his twin girls sitting on each one of his legs.

They were with their dolls, talking non stop, making Luke giggling at them.

Ben was kneeling on the couch, drawing, something he loved to do since he was little being watched by Grogu.

All of them had their pajamas, ready to go to bed soon.

"Papa wook," Alli said and making the dolls acting like they were kissing each other.

"What are you doing?" he laughed.

"You and mama awe kissing," she said.

Luke looked at Ines, who had little Luke pressing on her chest, while she was trying to make the baby burp, after she had breastfeeding him.

They smiled at each other.

"That is mama and papa?" he asked his daughter.

"Yes." she said giggling at him.

"Papa," Padmé said.


"Do you wove me?" she asked making Luke surprised at that.

"Of course I do." he said kissing her forehead. "I love you very much. Just like I love your twin sister, your older brother and your baby brother."

"You wove me like mama?" Alli asked this time.

"The love I have for you and your siblings is different from the love papa have for mama."

"You wove mama too!" Padmé asked.

"Yes, papa also love mama very much. It is different kind of love."

"What do you mean?" Alli asked

Ines smiled at her husband who smiled at her before looking at his daughters.

"There are many kinds of love. The love that papa have for mama is different from the love I have for all of you. Papa love grandma too and also love aunt Leia and cousin Iris, Ani and Bail. But that type love is not like the love I have for you. And than there is the love you have for a friend."

"I love my cousins," Ben said. "But I love my sisters and brother more."

"See, because the love you have for your cousins is different from the love you have for your siblings," Luke told his son.

"Daddy, will you and mama ever stop love each other?"

Ines looked at Luke and then to her son.

"Why are you asking that sweetie?" Ines asked.

"Because Davi parents were together but now they are not together anymore, why?"

"That is true. You know buddy, sadly some adults somehow stop loving each other and sometimes it is for the best to go separate ways. It happened to Davi's parents. They stop loving each other and it was for the best if they went separate ways."

"Will you and mama go separate ways too?" he asked them.

"No buddy. Daddy and mommy will not go separate ways. That is something I can promise you. Daddy will never stop love mommy and I'm sure she feels the same."

"That is right. I love your daddy so much that I can't imagine my life without him. Like I can't imagine my life without all of you," she said making Ben smiled.

The door beeped and Leia entered.

"Hello family. Sorry to come at this hour but let's say your nephews were taking a difficult time to fall asleep. I had to tell them two stories tonight," she said stopping near Ines, smiling on her nephew. "Hey Luke sweetie. Come to aunt Leia."

Smiling Ines passed the baby to her sister in law.

"Hey beautiful," she said kissing the baby forehead and sitting on the couch.

"Come on kids, go brush your teeth so mama can tuck you in bed," Ines said clapping her hands, smiling when the kids ran inside with Grogu going right after them as he always did.

Sitting next to her husband, she looked to Leia.

"So any news?"

"The same as we knew this afternoon." she said looking at her baby nephew who was happily sucking his pacifier. "The distress call indeed came from unknown regions."

"Why were allies ships doing in that area?" Luke asked.

"We don't know. We only know it came from there. We are hoping the ship that could escape, and the ones inside can tell us a little more about it. Maybe we can send some squadron there."

"They will not find anything. I'm sure who ever attacked them, is long gone," Ines said making Luke nod in agreement.

"Yes, I agree. They are not that stupid."

"Well at least made us be more careful when we send allies to certain systems. Because it can be that tactic, attacking republic ship out of nowhere until we are weak and they can attack us," Leia said

"Exactly," Luke nod. "I just hope we get some answers when they arrive."

"We all do. But when they do, we will let the recovered before we made them tones of questions." Leia said.

"I agree. I'm sure they are very traumatize by it. Let them rest and recover is for the best," Ines nod.

Then they heard from inside.

"Mama we weady," the twins said making the three of them giggled.

"I think tonight is my turn," she said standing up. "See you."

"Bye," Leia said. "I have to go too. Need to rest since it was a long day." and passing the baby to his father she looked at them. "When they arrive I will inform you."

"Thanks sis," Luke said.

"Goodnight," Leia said kissing his cheek before left Luke alone with his baby son on his arms.


After tuck her kids and Grogu to sleep, Ines went back to the living room, finding it empty.

Walking to her bedroom, she went to veranda, smiling when saw Luke, holding their baby boy on his arms, slowly rocking him, while the baby had his eyes opened focus on his father.

Approaching them, she wrapped her arms around her husband waist and rest her head on his right shoulder.

"Enjoying the new cub, papa bear?"

"You bet," he said kissing her forehead. "Enjoying him while we can."

"Worried about what is coming?" she looked at him.

"Yes. This is not like the first time. I'm a husband and I'm a father. I have people I love to death that I don't want to see them hurt."

"I know sweetheart. But we are older, and wiser and smarter too. Everything will be okay in the end," she said.

"I hope so." he said looking at her. "I love you babe."

"I love you more," she smiled and leaning forward they kissed deeply, while the night life night in Coruscant continue outside.

And the survivors of the attack will arrive Coruscant soon, and hopefully have some news.

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