Chapter 20 - Found it

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A week as passed and during those days, there was no sight of the Pretty Lady, like the kids would started to call the nice lady that always treat and take care of them when they got hurt, like it had happened with Anakin back in Naboo, and with Padmé a week ago when she bought the little girl an ice cream.

But since that event, it was like she had vanish. Maybe trying to be quiet for a while, until everything was forgotten, or it had left the capital.

Just like promise, Han, Dan and Wedge was extra careful every time they had to go to the lower levels, but so far with no success.

Ines even had the idea to ask Yana. The now 19 years old used to go to the lower levels with some of her friends and they asked if she also could see something, to tell them right away.

The Padawan was happy to help her Masters, beside it could be a great start, because when they graduated, at the end of this season, they would help of supervising the capital, including the lower levels.


At that moment, Ines woke up. It was early in the morning, and for the past days, there were some thunderstorms at night over Coruscant.

Smiling to her right, she saw one of her twins. Alli ran towards their bedroom, just like every time there were a thunderstorm, while Padmé prefer her older brother.

Giggled, she looked at her little girl, who was still asleep with her both arms above her head, while her right hand was still holding her stuffed R2 toy.

She always had a bad sleep and always tossing around.

Stroking her blonde hair, from her forehead she couldn't help but smile at her. Hard to believe that this beautiful little girl was one of her 3 kids she had and she was caring another one.

She never thought she could ever be a mother, but there she was, 9 weeks pregnant and with one of her kids sleeping between her and her husband.

Looking at Luke, who was still sleeping, she smiled, remembering that 9 years ago she had met him, in Tatooine, without even imagine that beautiful blond hair and blue eyes, whiny boy would be her husband and the father of her children.

Waking up, Luke smiled at her.

"Morning!" he whispered as he looked to their daughter sleeping.

"Morning," Ines whispered back. "I guess someone slept very well."

Luke giggled at their daughter.

"I wonder where she got her sleeping toss?" he asked looking at her.

"Don't look at me."

"Babe, you tossing left to right before you fell asleep," he said.

"When I'm not feeling well. But not when I sleep in your arms mister," she winked.

"How are you feeling?" he asked resting his hand on her belly.

"We are fine. So glad the nausea is gone for now. And actually I'm a little hungry," she replied.

"Then let's eat but before that let's wake up this little one and then her siblings," he said kissing Alli's forehead. "Wake up sweetie."

The little girl opened her eyes and stretched herself on the bed, before roll on her right and snuggled against her father.

"Come on sweetie it is time to wake up," Ines said as she got out of bed, to take of her other two babies.


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