Chapter 78 - The Temple

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Luke, Han, Ahsoka, Chewie were heading to the Temple, followed by R2.

That morning they decided that they would go the Temple and taking R2, while the other stayed at the Rebel base, with the kids, even if that didn't please Leia and Ines, but they understood they needed someone capable with the force, alongside with Ken and Dan who was a great shooter, to watch the kids and do something if something happen in there.

While the kids were being watched by Gracy, Noa with the help of 3PO, Iris, Cindel and Ken who decided to played a game with the smaller kids at the big hangar, Leia, Ines, Amidala and Dan were at the control room, with constant communication with them, talking all the time since they took ear pieces where they could communicate with them. Ben wanted to be with her mother and tried to help them and Ines didn't told him to go away.

"Is it too far? I hate being outside," Han said making Ines and Leia looked at each other.

"Well at least here we don't have Ewoks to tied you up and try to eat you." he heard Ines from his ear piece.

"Very funny.." Han pretended to laugh. "But seriously how far is this thing?"

They were walking for a while now, and one thing they notice the forest were getting more close and dense, indicating they were getting close.

Also Luke and Ahsoka sensed that as far as they were approaching the Temple, the more the Dark Side were stronger.

"You are not that far, honey," Leia spoke. "A few more yards and you are in front of the entrance."

Indeed, after a few more minutes they saw in the middle of a deep lake the Temple of Exar Kun.

The moment they saw the big stone structure, Chewie growled making Han nod.

"You got that right." Han said

The Temple stood a few centimeters beneath the surface of the water and it could only be reached on foot by stepping stones.

"Babe, are you seeing this?" Luke asked.

All of them had body cameras, so the ones in the control room at the base could see, even if Ines and Leia didn't need that since they could see through Luke's mind.

"How are we going to cross that with R2?" Ahsoka said.

"Don't worry. R2 thrusters are fixed. He can fly through there." Ines spoke and right after he said that, R2 flew from the spot he was to the entrance of the Temple, beeping.

"I could use some of those right now." Han said.

"Just be careful daddy. Keep looking down." Ben spoke.

"Hey kid, thanks for caring." Han said making Luke and Ahsoka giggled.

"Don't be jealous uncle Han, I care about you too and aunt Ahsoka."

"I know you do Ben and thank you," Ahsoka said smiling.

Looking at each other, they walked step by step until they reach the entrance of the Temple and entered it.

The moment they entered Luke and Ahsoka shiver. Even Han and Chewie didn't like the place.

"How about we try to find this place and get the hell out of here? I don't like this place." Han said followed by Chewie growling while the Wookiee nod

"Yes, I agree with you." Luke said. "The problem is where we start looking. This place is huge"

"Well your son had an idea of where to start." Amidala said

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