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"hello my dear"

he grinned at her

she grinned back

it was their little secret

of course

no one knew

no one but them

of course


"hello my darling"

she ran up for a hug

and he held her tight

like he would never let her go

because he wouldn't


"i've missed you"

she looks at him

after such a long time

she looks at him

with those eyes

those eyes that

make his knees weak

and he looks down with

his eyes

that cut through her

like a knife

and she knows

without him saying anything

that he missed her too

"how are you?"

he asks her, hoping she won't lie

but she always lies

every time she says she's fine

when he knows she's not

because she doesn't want

him to hurt

because of her

(too late for that)

it breaks his heart

every time she looks away

not meeting his eyes

and tries to hide her pain

"how are you?"

she asks in return one day

hoping he won't notice

that she doesn't want to talk about

her feelings inside

he doesn't want to talk about it either

he only wants to help her

he could care less about himself

he shrugs and slings an arm around her

and she feels safe

for once

"the demons won't go away"

he tells her one night

his eyes wild

his teeth clenched

it scares her

she can't handle it

how could she?

it's just too much

but why didn't he tell her sooner?

"they hurt me over and over"

she confesses on another dark night

(all nights are dark in their world


and it hurts him

because he so badly wants them to hurt

instead of her

but he can't help her

and that helplessness

is one of the worst feelings in the world

"at least i have you"

he thinks, smiling to himself

lying to himself

because she's gone

she left for a long, long time

like she's planned to all along

he couldn't stop her

but oh, how her tried

every day he tried

he always tried

he never stopped trying

but it wasn't enough

he wasn't



This poem is kinda crappy, sorry. I'm in a bad mood today.

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