ha, bitch

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hating someone is letting them live rent free inside your head
and trust me, you're not worth
the space in my mind
no bitch, to me--you're dead
because hating you is so close to loving you
it's saying that I care enough to waste
emotion (a rare commodity in this day and age)
so I'm not going to show you that I care
because the thing is? I don't care
about you or about your problems
you think the world revolves around you
life isn't a TV show and you're not the lead
I'm not going to give you the satisfaction
of proving that you're a distraction
because you're not, there's no attraction
from my life you've made an extraction
(aka yourself)
and I don't give a damn about your reaction
because all I have for you is apathy
god! it feels so good to finally be free
to say, "fuck you for fucking with me!"
and I know you feel the same way
or maybe you're consumed with hate
but hey, whatever way you want
is great!
no apologies, it's too late
talking with you is talking to a brick wall
I feel sorry for the motherfucker
the sucker
who thinks in love he'll fall
with you? ha! he'd be better off selling
his soul to the devil,
you think you're the devil
because you think you're important enough
but to me
I say, RIP
because you're nothing but trouble
a vortex, a soul and dick-sucking funnel
sorry to burst your bubble
I'm not going to stutter or stumble
did you think I was kind?
I've got better things to do
I'm pissed that you wasted my time
running that big mouth of yours
you never knew to close it
guess that's why the boys like you
(after all, spitters are quitters)
so yeah, dirty bitch
I think we're over and done
but hey, fucking with your mind
sure as hell was fun
I wouldn't even have wasted time
to throw out some lines
and make myself into a bigger asshole
except you had to go and say some shit
you're just the type to do that
just the type to fight so you can win an argument
take your head out of your ass, dear
you don't hate her and you don't hate me
you just hate yourself and all you can never be
you have these dreams clouded by fears
you're young a fool, no wonder you ended up in tears
a little girl playing adult games
no wonder you lost
you don't understand the strategies and rules
you don't know how to play
you thought I was a knight in shining armor
but I was there to kill the king
check mate!
you were gullible
thought I was someone to trust
because I had a way with words
you thought that I must
be nice and friendly, a good person
(I even warned you about me)
and now with skinned knees to the dirt
because you fell for my tricks
but there's no pity in my eyes for you
stupid bitch
you know she thought you were a queen?
I don't know why
guess she was blind
she didn't see the crown of thorns
or me calling "crucify!"
but you're not a martyr
and you're not a saint
you're not a hero covered in blood
and war paint
you're a snake
slithering humiliated and sly
looking to drag everyone else to hell
with you after you die
damn it!
that girl thought you were a goddess
that you hung the moon
she fancied you an alpha of the wolf pack
but she howled too soon
because you stabbed her in the back
you were always bitching to me about her
and I ignored it, shrugged off
all the dumb shit that came crapping out of your mouth
you slaughtered the lamb that followed you
around like a pup
don't try to defend yourself
just please, shut up
I'm so done with you
just go away
I'm done playing you
because you don't play fair
just don't think I hate you
like I said I don't care
about you
at all
and darling, I take back
all the nice and geniune shit I ever said
we're not "friends" anymore
to me? bitch, you're dead

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