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Step up. You can see the little people below, going about their lives. So unknowing. Won't they be in for a surprise? Goodbye, world.

[ring, ring]

Dammit, it's your phone. You don't want to answer it. So you let it go to voicemail. You can't talk to anyone now. They'd try to stop you.
You hear the little jingle, reminding you that you have a new voicemail.
You hesitate, holding your phone out. You debate on dropping it before you follow it.
But something tells you to listen to it. So you do.

[one new voicemail]

Um, hey, I...uh, I know we haven't talked in a while but uh, your brother gave me your new phone number and I thought I'd call. He says you're going through a really tough time right now, and uh, I want you to know I'm here for you. Kim told me that they've discouraged Melissa from seeing you, and I know that must hurt. I'm sorry about that. I think uh, I can try to talk her into letting up. You're a good kid. A real good kid. You're just in a bad place right now. Uh, well, that's all. You have my number so just give me a call sometime! I really have missed you, and I hope that we can talk again.
Oh, and before I go...Juliet's grandparents called. They're coming in for the summer and they want to get in touch with you. They want you to move in. I know that you don't really have much of a home now, so I think that would be a great idea, yeah?
Honey, just know that we're all worried about you. And we love you. I love you. You're my baby, okay?

[call ended]

Step back. Not today.

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