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it doesn't matter

where i go

because no matter what

i choose

my choice will be 

w r o n g

my options are not

r i g h t

i can't make a choice

i'm at a disadvantage no matter what i 


but i can avoid

making a choice

and just simply

not choose

and maybe then i'll realize

there was never really a choice



In life, all you have is choice.

Choices are everywhere. From the basics of what you'll eat for breakfast and when you go to sleep--to more less obvious choices like blinking and breathing. You are constantly choosing. You are choosing to do or not to do. To go left or right. To love or hate. To lead or follow. To sit or stand. To live or die

There's a certain power in choosing. People get high off knowing that they can choose. There's frustration in choice. People get depressed because they know they have to choose but they have no idea what to choose. 

It's a Möbius Strip. It's infinite. You cannot escape choice. When you let someone else choose, you're choosing to let them choose for you. When you don't choose, you're choosing to not make a choice. 

Choice is everywhere. You can't escape it. 

So that's when you realize that choice is just a construct. It's an idea. It's not real. There is no such thing as choice. Choice is invisible, infinite, and intangible. Realizing that choice is impossible is the same as realizing truth is relative. It's a step closing to freeing the mind entirely. 

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