twenty two

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I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright
Taylor Swift, 22

everything will be alright
when I turn twenty two
I'll have everything worked out
written, finished, done
and I can finally take a break
and rest some
when I turn twenty two
you'll be seventeen
have fun at seventeen
it's a good age to be
when I turn twenty two
you'll be six
starting school
hopefully you'll have a family
nice people who can take care of you
who can keep you away from me
when I turn twenty two
I'll go see the beach, an ocean
I'll go see a mountain, some snow
I'll go see a city, with people
and tall buildings
I'll have graduated college
proud of my degree
and I know that sweet cherry
will be real proud of me
when I turn twenty two
I'll breathe fresh air
and live like every day is my last
because when I turn twenty two
every day will be
I died at fourteen
I died at sixteen
I died at eighteen
I died at twenty
it only makes sense
to die again
I'm not a cat
I don't have nine lives
I've counted, I only have
and four are gone
so when I turn twenty two
I'll smile
because I'll be happy
I'll be so close to true freedom
everything will be alright
when I turn twenty two

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