wow, you're certainly a piece of work

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 yeah this is all getting me a little stressed

but to be honest i'm mostly just impressed

that you went to all that work to get yourself dressed 

up as my friend, you caked on makeup that covered your fakeness

you said you cared, but i know you didn't care

i guess if i think hard enough i can decide

that i never loved you because i never tried

you can hate me for that, hate me that i lied

but you wouldn't haven't wanted the truth

i just told you what you wanted to hear

i could call you a work of art

because you're certainly something

and you definitely need work

but "art" is a beautified term

that you just don't deserve

your problem is you think too much of yourself

but all your trophies just collect dust on your shelf

you're vainer than i am, and i think a lot of myself

i know i'm narcissistic so what does that say about you?

you put yourself on a pedastal for all that you do

which isn't all that much, considering

you don't consider others, but you like to say you always

put others before you put you

but darling, that's not something words can claim

only actions can prove

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