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I always thought I was clueless
I didn't know what to do
but I never understand
despair or confusion
until now
I'm looking in the mirror,
I recognize the face staring back
but that face isn't someone else too
or is it?
nah, he's dead
and god I miss him
but hey it doesn't matter
they cared enough to lie
ha! I hate them all
and I hate myself
because they fucking lied
I thought I could rely on you
to tell me what's real and what's not
because my imagination runs like crazy
my brain is wired wrong
I hate everything
I can't do this anymore
god, I am so angry
so fucking angry
because I'm so fucking screwed
I guess there's only one option
crawl back to the hell I came from
this 'heaven' is hotter than the hell
I existed
now all I do is fucking exist
because I fucking forgot to how to live
what have I done?
what have you done?
you left me with no one
no fucking one
I'm alone
and I hate it
I hate you
I hate you I hate you
you waited damn too long
to wake me up
way too long
you had to let someone else
someone I don't know
someone I can't tell if they're even
or not
am I imagining them?
because that someone is almost too
definitely too good for me
I hope you rot in your hell
I hope maybe you realize what it's like
in mine
and I hope that you know how I feel
I hope you feel it too
because I fucking depended
on you
but you just.
fuck you
we're done
I hate you
and hate is ugly
I hate hate
I hate me
I hate him
and I hate you

BURN (Wattys2015?)Where stories live. Discover now