it'll be like this

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one day you'll wake up

and the sun

(how I love the sun)

will be rushing in the room

like golden honey

you'll have a quiet smile on your face

and your heart will be rooted to your feet

yet your mind will expand to cover thousands

and thousands of miles

the sea will kiss your nose

or maybe it's just rain,

you can't tell

it tastes salty

but so do your tears

and you wonder why you're crying?

I'll be in the back of your mind

just a subtle ghost of a time long ago

you'll never know exactly what went wrong

or exactly where I went

the memory of my disappearance will be foggy

because I had slowly dissipated into the night

you couldn't even pinpoint the moment

when you realized I was gone

you had just woken up on a rainy Saturday

and thought that I hadn't been around for a while

but you couldn't exactly remember when I had left

and you definitely had no idea where I had gone

you didn't really miss me, you would think

all you missed was the idea of me

and the feeling of youth and light shoulders

you'll wake up that day

with a slight pang of your heart

a slight wistfulness for has beens

and should bes

and I'll just be a mystery

because there had never been a solid goodbye

and you'll think about me sometimes

and slowly you won't remember my face or habits

if I passed you on the street

I'd be just another person

and you wouldn't recognize me

but you'll always wonder

what happened to me

and you might hope things

turned out okay for me

(although we both knew that things

would never turn out okay for me)

you'll wake up that morning

and maybe it'll take you a few seconds

to even remember my name

and that, my darling

is how it will be 

it'll be like this,

the day you wake up

and realize you don't miss me at all

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