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"I tried to tell you, you know I did."

fires rising, tempers flare

"Did you really? I doubt that."

heat rushing, faces crunched in anticipation

"Ugh! You're so frustrating sometimes."

voices raise, one-two-three a sullen tempo

"Oh, I'm frustrating?"

bitter laugh, nothing like a person scorned

"Yes! I tried to tell you hundreds of times. For two years! But then we figured it was just best for you to believe whatever you wanted. You told me yourself, 'I'll kill myself if it's true'. We didn't want that. We loved you. We love you."

desperation pure, hearts and feelings split open for the world to see

"Oh, fuck off. You lied to me for so long, how could you expect me to believe you now?"

disbelieving apathy, secretly wanting to believe

"Why do you have to act like this is all on me? Like it's entirely my fault? We both know that it's not all my fault. And damn it, you know I'm not lying!"

tears falling, clouded vision stopstopstop

"It's nearly entirely your fault because I trusted you the most!...I loved you the most."

voices broke, whisper quiet and defeated

"You know why I finally gave up? Because you became him."

hush now, it's not over yet

"What are you talking about now?"

cool leaves, red hot anger surfacing

"You were so mean. Always so, so, so mean. He was always so kind. He loved me, and I loved him."

white flag, no armistice

"What does a fourteen year old know of love?"

bitter words, bitter bitter person

"Just shut up and listen."

fed up, no more problems


relenting anger, why can't this all end?

"You were a cruel, malicious bastard. You two were yin and yang. He was kind, and caring, and everything you weren't. And then he died and I had no one. You had no one. Something inside you snapped. You weren't cruel anymore, you were just reserved. Silent. And you still are. Yet once we let you believe whatever, you became him. Kind. Caring. So yeah, I lied to you for six years because I'm a selfish bastard who wanted you to be fucking kind for once. And look who you are today. You're great. You're understanding, and passionate, friendly, caring, selfless, and fucking kind."

biting nails, sobbing please stop crying

"Maybe I'm not so kind anymore."

half hearted, hope disguised



"Says the kettle to the pot."


"I never lied to you else wise."

truth bare, cold and naked. shiver.

"I know."

fire quelched, a desert needing water

"I'm sorry."

there's an ocean

"I know."

what else can one say?

"Forgive me, please."

eyes looking, up down left right anywhere but into another



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