american dream

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it's not the american dream

it's the american nightmare

nine to five, nine to five

every single day and every single night

total numbness

we've lost our will, we've lost our fight

what do we do when we come home?

we sit in front of our televisions

sitting in our beat up lazy-boys

yelling at our beat up wives

sipping on our ice cold beer

ranting about our boring lives

isn't this the american dream?

we hate our jobs, hate our bosses

we're just trying to survive

but all this responsibility is killing us

we're dead inside

and we want out but we're still

living in our double-wides

broke and decrepit on the inside

but screw it, it's the american dream

let's take what they media says as gospel

because they couldn't ever be wrong

could they?

no, no they wouldn't lie to us

instead of finding our own right and wrong

we follow like pigs to the slaughter

we ignore what's going on in the rest of the world

we ignore what's going on inside everyone else

because they aren't us, we don't know them

they aren't our kids, our mothers, our fathers,

our brothers, our sisters, our cousins,

our friends..

so why should we care?

selfishness infects us like a plague

a hereditary disease

we are all so selfish

apathy is a slow growing tumor

strangling and numbing us from inside

but whatever!

go to your therapist, get some pills

and choke it down, like you choke down you own morality

mortality is a joke

this is america!

freedom never dies, so why should we?

i can go where i want, screw who i please,

take what i want, ignore the rules set down

because they don't apply to me

so what if i step on some other people?

so what if i build my empire on the sweat of their backs?

it's the american dream!

do things for you, improve yourself

with our "i"Phones and our "self" helps

God bless america and no one else!

there are people who have fought for us

died for us, for our freedom

for the great land of the free

and the home of brave

but hey! let's leave them out on the streets to rot

because to us their dirty and worthless

we don't care.

"decadence can fill your holes

if it's tangible it will save your soul"

right? right? right?

that's what they teach us

we'll keep working nine to five

smoking, drinking, beating, dying

an angry mob of puppets

but who's pulling the strings?

so sit back on your lazy-boys, lazy boy

and pop open a cold beer

turn on the television

and drown for a few hours until you decide

to go screw your wife

tell your kids to go to college, stay in school, say no to drugs

but you've been schooled because you thought you had it all

your drug is your own pleasure

you have nothing

you are nothing

until you decide to be something

and get out of this nightmare

start living a dream

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