fuck you

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I found something of yours today
hidden behind a bottle or two
I cringed and prepared to throw it away
because it reminded me of you

I thought of the day you made me smile
it was a happy day, a good one
because I hadn't smiled in a while
now look at what we've done?

one item can speak forever
more than we can say
I said "get out" but I know better
I just needed you that day

I've needed you for so long
and it hasn't stopped, it won't
is what you did really wrong?
but don't try to justify, don't

I stare at that item I'm destined to keep
who knows what else I'll find?
I can't get over you, I'm in too deep
you're a plague on my heart and mind

this isn't what you wanted
this isn't what I meant
now look at us: we're haunted
digging graves, we haven't made a dent

I don't know what else to do
I don't know who else to be
all I can say is fuck you
and fuck her, fuck him, fuck me

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