Chapter 1 : New life

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A radiant beam through the darkness, nearly blinding, to be honest. I raised my hand in front of my eyes, hoping I could see something clear, but I couldn't. The only thing I could see was that mesmerizing, somehow terrifying, but also welcoming warm, bright light.

Though I couldn't see what was around me, I could feel its warmth enveloping me, reassuring me. Something I desperately needed, especially today.

I heard a voice. Someone calling my name, but I couldn't properly hear what it was saying. Or who was it.

Mother ?

No. That voice was too deep to be Mother's voice. And, as heartbreaking as it was, I barely remembered her voice.I barely remembered her face, the sweetness of her skin or her fragrance.

Was that something people should remember all their life, or do we all forget the ones we loved with time ?

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. And then more when the light began to fade, leaving me in the darkness, all alone. But, was I truly alone ?

I had a look around, hoping I could find a sign of life. I turned my head right and left, before I did a complete spin. Then, I finally saw it : a timid, quiet light far away.

I immediately started walking towards it, feeling the cold path underneath my bare feet. I tried to run, but I could only walk. As close as I got closer to that little light, my legs would no longer support me. But I wanted to keep moving, I wanted to see that light from my own eyes, I wanted to feel its warmth on me, I wanted it to reassure me the way the golden one did. Even if this flame was blue, just like the old blue flames Mother used to tell me about.

I crawled. My body was cold, humid and dirty, but I kept moving even though it got harder every centimeter. Until I finally reached it. An electric blue flame bruning in front of me, surprisingly hot, despite its cool color.

But, just as the golden flame before it, this one faded too. And the last thing I could see was two blue eyes, looking at me. There was no anger, no fear. Only surprise and... love ? Though love was an unknown feeling for me... I didn't know why, I could feel it inside me. Those blue eyes were looking at me, filled with affection for me.

Mother. This is you. No one else could look at me that way except you.

No one else could ever look at me that way. I was absolutely convinced.


Breathe in... Breathe out... I can do this. It can't be that hard, no ?

Was double majoring a good idea ? Well, considering the fact that Father would've nerver let me study archelogy without studying enconomics too, maybe itwas. But... will I be able to keep up with all of the lessons I will have ? What if I had to make a choice one day ? What if I had to drop archeology because double majoring was too hard for me ? What if I failed ?

And if I ever failed, I already know what Father would say. 'You can't even imagine how much you disappointed me, Zelda. Lying to me, waisting your time with those childish things'. I already heard him with his too deep voice, his long and white beard and his green eyes full of judgement looking at me. Just because he was the CEO of Bosphoramus Industries... a little empire which I was the heir. Just because he was the most powerful, the most influent man of the world. Just because I was the daughter whom constantly disappointed him, even if I always did my best.

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