Chapter 12 : The blade of the Yiga

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TW : abusive language, violence.

I was walking, alone, in the narrow streets of CastleTown. Those same ones I knew some of the citizens did illegal things, and, if I was pretty confident when I could see the warm light of the sunset, I could tell I was now a bit nervous.

The night had fallen, and only the light of the lamp posts illuminated the streets. My shadow on the wall made me jump in surprise more than once and I couldn't help thinking there was a monster hidden in the darkness, in a tiny hole, where I couldn't see him.

You're paranoid. There's no one except you, and you'll be in your car sooner than you think.

I fully understood why Father wanted me home before 9PM. The streets were unsafe in the capitale city, especially the tiny ones far from the crowded roads and the town center. There was no sound, no laugh, no music, no clinking glasses anymore. Not a single soul. Even the buildings seemed forsaken, as the shutters were closed or some beams were crossing the windows. Even the walls were completely cracked, covered of mould and fully tagged.

I don't like it...

Link was nowhere to be seen, and maybe I would've been more confident with him next to me. Or following me, it depended on your point of view.

I felt a bit guilty. I shouldn't have shouted at him that way, it was rude. Maybe he was trying to properly meet me ? Maybe he was scared of what others could think of him if he talked to me at school, because he wasn't as confient as I thought ? Or maybe he was just trying to play the knight in shining armor to salve his conscience ? Still, I was feeling uncomfortable in those dark and narrow alleys. I had a bad feeling, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Stop being paranoid. Your car is waiting for you at the corner of this long street. Nothing can happen to you now. You'll be safe in the five next minutes.

I felt my ears quickly moving when I caught a very quiet sound behind me. Something regular, extremely low, and I started wondering what was that. It was getting louder but the rhythm stayed the same while mine increased a bit. I felt a cold sweat running down my spine when I finally understood what was it.


« Link... ? », I said with a shaky voice.

You're so pathetic. You shouted at him because he followed you and then you're begging him to be here. Worse than this, you're hoping that this sound was him. To save you for absolutely nothing. To save you from the shadows you're seeing on the walls.

No one answered, but the footsteps got louder and louder. And my nervosity increased even more.

« Link ? Link ? », I repeated, louder each time, but the one who was walking stayed perfectly silent, even his footsteps could be heard anymore.

Maybe that was him. Maybe he was following me and he got scared when he finally heard me calling his name ? Maybe I scared him by shouting at him ?

I had a look around me. In this dark street, I discerned a silhouette. A tall one, looking like a man, an incandescent cigarette in his hand.

He doesn't smoke. He's an athlete, and aprofessionnal one, I'm convinced he doesn't smoke. That's not possible. That's not him !

Tears filled my eyes as I started running, screaming Link's name, absolutely terrified. Someone was following me in that street, only Hylia knew since when. Someone chosed to stay hidden in the darkness while I was walking all alone. Someone was hunting me as if I was a little prey.

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