Chapter 94 : No more secrets

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We were together at the dorm, getting ready to go to the Shrine. I was already ready, but he wasn't, and no, it wasn't because he didn't know what to wear but because he called his parents. And for the first time, I didn't have to tell him to do so, as he spontaneously took his phone and joyfully announced his victory. Of course they were proud of him but also a bit worried about his health when they saw how injured he was.

His lips were cut on two differents spots, his face was covered of scuff marks and two bruises were slowly appearing on his face – one on his left cheek and another under his left jaw. Happily his eyes weren't injured, his nose stopped bleeding and didn't seem broken,and the blood in his hair wasn't his. But if his face was pretty injured, I wouldn't talk about the rest of his body.

His ribs, such as his stomach was full of bruises, and for some reasons I thought it look like a nebulace – something beautiful for a horrible thing that was staining his wonderful body. And that was nothing compared to the too many wounds and scratches that were hurting him.

All of the athletes had to see a physician right after their fights, healing their wounds and giving them painkillers, and now he had a wound with stitches that will become a new scar. A new one on his too-long list. But he seemed pretty chill about this injury, laughing about the fact that it was the best trophy he could've won against TU, and, every time he would look at it, he would remember the day he finally smashed their faces and allowed his school to go to finals.

« I love you. », he said, ready to hang up. « Except you, Aryll, of course. »

« Link, please... », I sighed, making him laugh.

« Listen to your girlfriend, Big Brother. She is the smartest of you two. », she snapped back.

« Of course she is. », he chuckled. « I love you Aryll, I can't wait to see you in April. »

« Me too. I miss you Big Brother. »

« I miss you too, Little Sister. », he smiled. « Have a good night. »

« You too, dear. You can't imagine how proud we are of you. », I heard his father and mother saying together. « Tell Zelda we say hi. »

I lifted my head up, and waved at Link which made him slowly smiling. He told them I wished them a pleasant night before he properly hung up. Then, he threw his phone away and held me in his arms, making me fall next to him.

« You can't imagine how impatient I was to finally spend a little moment with you all alone. », he said, caressing my hair.

« Me too. But I'm happy you called your family, and moreover without any order from me. », I chuckled, making him laugh too.

« I know you would have said it ! », he bursted into laughter. « But you're right, that's so nice to have them on phone sometimes. And I was thinking... if I call them tonight, we won't be disturb tomorrow, and we could spend the entire day just the two of us. And especially in the morning at the Sheikah. »

« I... I swore to An I will go to the library with him tomorrow. », I said in a low voice.

« Oh... Alright... »

« But we can spend our sunday together, all alone ! No one will disurb us, I promise. », I reassured him, kissing him softly.

« Sounds lovely. And tomorrow morning you're still okay to go to the Sheikah ? », he asked with a playful look.

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