Chapter 73 : Boyfriend

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Everything went fast this morning.

Of course I woke up with him around 5AM to take care of the horses, even if it was freezing cold and I wasn't used to wake up that early in the morning, but Link didn't have to tell me what to do as I directly took the little bucket to feed the horses with the dried cereals.

He laughed a bit, seeing me completely at ease around those giant animals and espicially around Majora. Our little ride improved our relation and I took a moment with him, caressing his neck and nose after I fed him.

Then, while Link led them outside, I swept the floor with the broom, and I was pretty proud of myself when I saw that I got the hang of it before we both went to the henhouse, feeding the chickens that were already outside. And I showed to Link how to take care about that kind of animals, knowing he wasn't comfortable around them, and we laughed a lot together, seeing how we swapped our places.

So, who's the townie, now ?

We didn't see his mother around the farm, nor inside the house while his father and sister greeted me with a smile, talking about anything and everything while Link was training a bit outside, jogging with Mid.

It's been a while since his last training and I saw how bad he was struggling between his yen to stay close to me and his urge to exert himself. So I naturally told him to do what he wanted to while I stayed a bit with his family. And I was sure that was a good idea, regarding how much we laughed together while we were talking and cleaning the house.

Maybe Arn will tell Cinna that I'd spent the morning with them and not only their son. Maybe it will help her to slightly change her opinion about me.

« I'm sorry. », Aryll started, sweeping the floor while I was dusting the furniture.

« Mh, what ? What are you sorry for ? »

« For showing that picture of Kodah. », she sighed. « Link told me you didn't know anything about her... I saw you were a bit uncomfortable after we all left the fire pit. »

« I admit, I was. But - »

« I'm so sorry, Zel. I mean, you're so cool, and nice, and amazing, and I feel like I spoiled your holidays ! », she exclaimed.

« Aryll, don't worry ! We talked about that with your brother, and everything's crystal clear, there's no need to apologize. », I kindly said. « And I'm having a lovely time here, you're all so nice ! »

« Still, that's important to me to let you know that I didn't mean to embarrass you. », she said, looking at me in the eyes. « I'm so glad Link found you. I mean, I don't know for a long time, but I really appreciate you and... »

« And ? »

« And, even if mum says you're always together – seriously she should start learning to shut the fuck up sometimes – »

« I can understand that she felt a bit uncomfortable, seeing her son glued to a girl. », I chuckled, trying to not think about what Cinna said right after.

« That's not an excuse. She could have said this to him in private and not in front of everyone. », she calmly said. « I can see how happy my brother is when he's with you, how happy you're both are together. To me, that's the only thing that matters. »

« That's very sweet. Really. », I said with a smile.

« I mean it. He's a bit different when you're with him, like, he's not as annoying as usual – even if he's still annoying, of course – and he seems more... peaceful. He seems like he finally found something he desperately needed. », she chuckled.

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