Chapter 49 : Hilda Reverso

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I woke up before him this morning due to the sunlight – we completely forgot to close the stores yesterday –, allowing me to see his pretty sleepy face. That was really rare for me to see him asleep, so much that I took a moment to detail him.

The first thing I see in the morning and the last in the late night.

His eyes were closed, his face was completely relaxed under his messy hair and his breath was so calm, making my heart melt. I smiled at him, finding him so cute, so handsome and finding me so lucky to have a man like him in my life.

I slowly put a lock of his hair away, making him frown a bit.

« Alright sleepyhead, I won't disturb you. », I whispered as low as I could, lightly smiling.

I carefully put my hands beside him, trying to step over him without awaken him, and this time, I succeeded. I grabbed his sweater with his sweet perfume, feeling like his arms were still around me, and walked towards the door on my tiptoes, letting my beautiful roommate in his own world.

No one was already awake so I sat on the couch and passed some time on Instagram.

I saw Impa's picture on my feed, us together with our caps and colorful lines on the cheeks, smiling like fools, with a little caption 'Go Lights !'

I smiled as I remembered that afternoon, my painful cheeks and teary eyes due to our laugh, the many whistles I'd made and how joyful the crowd was when our team won this tournament.

Everything isn't that bad.

I kept scrolling and saw a bunch of pictures of Link aiming his bow, fully focused on his target, or just chatting with his teammates. I'd never noticed how he held his bow's string, his hand turned towards the exterior unlike all the other archers. Another little caracteristic I should have already seen.

I'm not the 'date' of the year...

Something caught my attention.

I was on all of his pictures, even the ones where he was celebrating with his team, even if they had been taken during different times of the tournament. So I went on his profile and opened the ones that had been taken during the last archery tournament, and again, I was there.

He could have chosen many other photos, but he always chosed the ones where I was.

My heart melted while my cheeks turned red. Well, maybe those pictures were just the most beautiful ones, but I wanted to believe it was because I was in it.

« Keep stalking my account ? », a well-known voice said behind me.

« Link ! », I shouted, feeling a little kiss on the top of my head. « I follow your account, which is a major difference ! »

« If you say so, Princess. », he chuckled, sitting next to me. « So ? Do you like my feed ? »

« Of course I do. », I said, kissing his cheek. « By the way, I saw myself on every pictures. Well the ones that had been taken during tournaments where I was. »

« I like seeing you next to me. », he explained scratching the back of his neck, a smile on his face. « And I like seeing you on my account, knowing that everyone ignores who you are to me. »

« Careful Icarus, you're flying too close to the sun and I don't want to see your wings to get burned. »

« I won't, don't worry Zel. », he said, finally kissing my lips. « I see you keep stealing my hoodies little thief. »

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