Chapter 46 : Get out of here

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He never drove that fast.

The roads were completely empty, only the sound of our engine could be heard. I thought my heart was about to jump out of my chest, feeling the adrenalin in my veins everytime we were turning or when he increased his speed on the straight lines. I held him as strong as I could, feeling a bit scared, I admitted. But I trusted him and I knew he wouldn't take any unnecessary risks.

And we arrived home safe and sound.

He led me to his – our – room and I quickly found my place in his arms while he was caressing my hair. We didn't talk for a long time, the way I touched him, the way I was breathing was enough for him, letting him slowly relaxing, knowing me here with him, completely safe.

« I feared for you. », he finally said after a long moment of silence.

I burried my head in his chest, smelling his reassuring perfume.

« I'm here. I'm safe thanks to you. », I whispered.

« Still. », he sighed. « I hated how they talked about you. »

I was a trophy for them. Not a person. Just something they can check on their to-do list.

His grip tightened on my back and I saw how his jaws were clenched.

« I should have hit them stronger. Just to make sure they will never forget that lesson. That they can't talk about you or about anyone else that way. », he hissed.

« Link, please, look at me. », I said, and, after a long moment of silence, he finally locked his eyes on mine. « They weren't the first ones and they won't be the last ones. We'll have to deal with it, together. »

I put my lips on his, letting him know how much I needed him by my side. He responded in the most tender way, but, I could feel that he wasn't truly with me. That he was still too angry against them, too worried for me, too scared for my safety to perfectly be with me.

I quickly went to the bathroom to have a shower, leaving him alone with his thoughts in our room. I locked myself in this tiny room and let the hot water warming me up, still feeling the cold wind on my skin.

He fought three boys, including one with a knife, without any hesitation. Just because one of them started to talk about me. He feared for me so he did everything he could to push them away. Even if he could have been hurt, or worse.

I sighed, went out of the shower and had a look at my own reflexion through the mirror. My bruises weren't as dark as before, now in a mixed shade of yellow and brown.

They saw the pic. And they completely changed their mind, not wanting money anymore but me.

I touched my neck, thinking about how Toruma ruined my life.

I couldn't make a single step without hearing an insult, some of the students were spreading bad rumors about me and now even in town some people recognized me, assuming they could do whatever they want with me.

The only positive point in all that mess was the fact that I lived with Link now. My light in the darkness. A shining and powerful light guiding me in this tempest, avoiding me to sink in the depth of the abysses.

I wore my pyjama and his HU sweater and left the bathroom, ready to join him, hoping he would've changed his mindset.

He smiled at me as soon as I arrived, telling me how he found me cute in his hoodie. And of course my face was fully red, making him laugh as he kissed every part of my face.

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