Chapter 9 : Rhoam Bosphoramus

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Link remained silent most of the drive to HU.

How surprising.

I heard him coughing and painfully groaning sometimes, which were the only things that broke the silence. The street lights illuminated the car, allowing me to properly see him. His jaws were clenched while he was rubbing his ribs. The blood wasn't flooding anymore but some bruises appeared on his face. One under his left eye, another on his left cheeks, a third one on the left side of his lips and a last one next to his browbone. His bandage was also stained by blood – his own but also Ganondorf's too.

Mipha won't be happy.

He looked at the road behind him several times, where Impa was driving his bike, visibly nervous. I assumed he didn't like seeing someone else than him on his precious metallic destrier.

« Impa is a good driver, don't worry. », I calmly said.

« Hm ? What did you say ? »

« I said : Impa is agood driver. Nothing will happen to your bike. », I said once more.

« Of course... », he said, doubting.

« I mean it. I can put my life in her hands without any fears, you know ? »

« May I have some doubts ? »

« Let me think of it... No. », I teased him, and couldn't help laughing when I saw him turning his head again.

« What makes you laugh like that ? », he said, looking at me in an interrogative way.

« You're going to break your neck, you know that ? », I said in a playful tone.

« I think I need a bit more than just looking behind me. », he chuckled before coughing. « Ganondorf didn't break it earlier, so your car won't. »

« Maybe he weakened your spine. », I said in a low voice, looking at him. « You're pretty injured. »

« Don't worry Silent Princess, it wasn't the worst fight I had against him. », he said, while he was touching the sun shade's miror.

« How did you call me ? », I asked a bit taken aback, feeling my cheeks burning.

« Silent Princess. », he said, looking behind him again. « I don't know you're real name. »

« Oh, uh... Zelda. Zelda Bosphoramus. », I answered, after a moment of silence, realising what was about to happen.

We stayed silent again. He was still looking behind him and I tried to stay as focused as possible on the road, but my racing heart and mind didn't help. I felt so ashamed. How was that possible for him to remember my pseudo?

« How do you know it was me ? », I asked before I could even think of it.

« Tagged pictures. And, yes, I saw your like on that old picture of mine. I wanted to know who looked at my entire feed and, I assumed, missclicked. », he said with a grin and I blushed even more. « You're a pretty bad spy, you know ? »

Please, I just want to die right now, that's so embarassing.

« Damn, I knew I should've liked all your pictures. », I mumbled, and felt so happy to hear his laugh.

A true and pure laugh, so sincere. I couldn't imagine he had such a light and beautiful voice, and I admitted, I liked talking with him. I thought he would've been a bit rude or something, but no. He was kinda funny for a boy who never talked. For a boy who just got hurt by another one.

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