Chapter 8 : Ganondorf Dragmire

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We hardly found a restaurant tonight because of the too many people who had the exact same idea. Of course, Impa was complaining everytime a waiter told us we couldn't eat in their restaurant, and that was so hard for me to cheer her up. Until I found the perfect idea : going to a restaurant and asking them if we can buy a carryout . She seemed so happy when I asked her if she was okay with that idea, and she immediately led us to her favorite restaurant : 'Lakna Rokee', an asian one.

They'd always been nice with us, considering how much we went there while we were in high-school, so that was pretty logical they were okay with that request. So, I took some sushis with a miso soup and she took some rice balls with sushis and yakitoris before we headed back downtown.

The Festival of Light always took place during the last friday of august, when, according to the legends, the Princess and her appointed knight saved Hyrule from the Calamity. For the elders and the ones who believed in it, it was a moment of contemplation for all of their sacrifices, for their duty and dedication. For the young hylians, that was just a cool Festival that marked the end of summer, where they could eat candies, played games and drank alcohol.

As soon as we got there, I stared at the beautiful view in front of me, completely mesmerized by the center of CastleTown perfectly decorated for the Festival of Light. The string lights were shining above our heads, from a lamp post to another but also circled around everyone of them, the little pointy red flags were proudly flying and the fountain was illuminted by a beautiful blue and golden light. Some fireflies were flying next to the fountain, some others were next to the many bushes full of flowers, creating a breathtaking view. There was also some bunches of flowers above the street lights and the stands, their delicate fragrance was perfectly mixed with the scent of the delicious meals the stands were selling.

And that wasn't because I already ate my delicous sushis that I didn't want to eat one of the delightful things from the too many stands. Cotton candy, chocolate, ice-cream, candies, candied apple but also sodas or alcohol – which I couldn't buy because of my age. And of course, I didn't have to say anything before Impa bought a large chocolate and cookie ice-cream and I chosed a large cotton candy.

The sun was slowly setting, a reassuring orange and purple sky was now above our heads, completing the scene. Most of the people – and some strangers who were passionated by our legends – were buying their lanterns, or were taking many picture of that incredible view. The Catsle was still proudly and peacefully standing, enlighted by this warm and reassuring golden light, while this place was fully animated. And I couldn't help thinking that wonderful and timeless Castle was still protecting us, making sure the people of its country could live peacefully, the same way it did too many centuries ago when the Princess sealed the Calamity inside its walls for one hundred years.

She did what she was made for. She was an incredible ruler, a courageous young girl who didn't hesitate to face the Calamity to protect her land. She was a role model. She is my role model.

I ate my cotton candy and drank a soda while Impa was struggling with her melting ice-cream. We played many games – I admit, we tried to get the huge teddy bear but we didn't have it – and in the end, Impa just got a little plushie looking like a little egg-shaped robot with 3 legs and a single big blue eye.

« Here, for you. », she said, giving me the little robot.

« Impa, you won it, you should keep it for you. », I said, chuckling.

« Well, yes, you're right. », she teased me. « Okay, so, because it's mine, I give it to you ! »

« Implicable logic. », I said, rolling my eyes, taking the plush. « We should name this little one. »

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