Chapter 44 : The Bosphoramus' Mansion

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« Are you ready to go ? », Link asked me, giving me my helmet.

« Yes. », I said, trying to be as confident as possible even if I was nervous.

I climbed on his bike, just behind him and placed my hands under his jacket, feeling his heat warming my hands. Of course he placed his left hand on mine while we weren't driving, making me slighlty blushed.

Maybe that was a bit stupid, but that little gesture helped me a lot to feel better. I was scared by going to the Mansion again, but this time he was with me. He will help me, he will comfort me if it's too hard for me, he will be the pillar I will need through that awful moment.

The sky was filled with threatening dark clouds, foreshadowing a imminent pouring rain.

I just hoped it won't rain before we arrived at Father's house, because I didn't really want to be soaked, and, even if Link drove carefully, I feared riding his bike under the pouring rain. Plus, the air was already freezing cold due to our speed so I couldn't imagine how terrible it would be if it was raining too. And, well, even if I truly liked our rides, I missed the comfort of my car.

I sighed, realising how much my life has changed. I couldn't say I missed my ancient life, because things weren't looking so good, but it happened too fast for me and I was a bit unstable at the moment. Deep inside me, I was happy to live with Link, but it was too hasty and I needed time to find my footings.

From hiding to sharing the same bed everyday. From a quiet reputation to a bad one. From having a father to being an orphan.

My stress increased as we were getting closer to my past house, remembering that awful night, those awful words.

« Your Mother would be so ashamed. »

No, she woudn't have been. She would have tried to understand what happened to me. She would have tried to comfort me. She wouldn't have jumped into conclusion like he did. And most of all, she would have still loved me. Not chasing me from home.

« She didn't raise a prostitute. »

I wasn't a girl like that. I wasn't the kind of girl who hooked up with the first boy they found. And doing it wasn't a matter of facts, of course not. It wasn't me, that was all. And I hated being judged for something I didn't do, for the person I wasn't.

« I don't want to see you anymore. »

And you didn't see me anymore, wasn't it, Father ? You didn't even make the effort to take some news. To know if I found somewhere to live. To know if I was okay. To know if I was still alive after I left the Mansion under the pouring rain of that thursday night.

Tears started to fill my eyes and I blinked many times to chase them.

I won't cry, I can't cry. Not here, not because of him. I have to stay strong.

Link parked his bike in front of the iron gates, and seeing this house in front of me tensed me a lot. He sensed it, probably because of my grip on his shirt, and he gently put his hand on mine and helped me to get off his bike before we took off our helmets.

He looked at me with a concerned look, and I tried to reassure him even if I knew deep inside me how close to panic I was.

I had a look a this huge house. A castle to be honest, with its white walls covered by ivy, blue roof, many columns and big windows, overlooking at us just like Father did. Sometimes, it reminded me of him : tall and inflexible. Welcoming on the oustide, cold on the inside.

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