Chapter 54 : Halloween

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Alright so, foundation, concealer, blush, bronzer : okay. Now, golden eyeshadow, liner, mascara and lipstick. Easy.

I was carefully applying my different shades of golden and brown eyeshadows when someone knocked at the bathroom's door.

« Ocuppied ! », I shouted.

« Zelda, it's Saki, may I come ? »

I quickly opened the door, wondering if she wanted to throw up but she seemed perfectly fine, a huge smile across her face.

« Holy shit Zelda ! Sei bellissima ! »

« Thank you ! But it's not finished yet. », I chuckled.

« Do you think you can do mine ? », she kindly asked, her eyes full of hope, showing me a picture on her phone. « I wanted something like that. »

« Yes, no problem. It will be a bit challenging but I like it. »

I quickly finished my make up under Saki's amazed gaze before I started hers. She wanted to dressed up as Effie Trinkett in her pink outfit, so I did a pink make up, trying to match the colors with her pink hair.

I had some time to detail her face while I was working on it.

She had a small and round face, small lips and big bright green eyes giving her a doll face. Her skin was much more pink than mine but happilly, Effie Trinket had a pale skin just like mine so I could use my own foundation to do her contouring, replacing the bronzer and blush by a pink eyeshadow. The worst part was clearly the fake eyelashes because I wasn't used to that kind of things and I had to put them twice before I finally had a good result.

« Zelda. You're absolutely amazing ! It's so beautiful ! », she exclaimed. « I could kiss you right now but I don't want to spoil your great works. Grazie mille, Teba won't be able to get over it ! »

« You're welcome Saki ! You're absolutely beautiful, as always ! », I chuckled. « Did you do a matching costume ? »

« You'll see it later ! », she said with a wink before leaving me alone in the bathroom.

« I can't wait ! »

I locked the door when she shut the door behind her, hoping I won't be disturb for the next fifteen minutes because, if I was good at make-up, I couldn't say the same thing for hairdressing. So I just took the purple ribbons and started to braid it with my own golden hair, hoping I will succeed. I had to succeed, it was one of the major things in my costume so I couldn't fail it.

Alright, this lock here, and this one here, now the ribbon and I keep doing it until the end of my braid.

I had to try several times before I was good enough, perfectly placed and tight. Then I took my clothes and jewellery and quickly put them on me. I was happy to see the white dress' length, the end was few centimeters above my kness : not too long but still decent, and I think it was okay for a first party, allowing me to dance or sit without being worried.

I had a quick look at the mirror and chosed to add a little purple cut crease above my eye-liner with little gems, twisting a bit this nude make-up, and I was kinda satisfied by the result. A little spicy touch without being outrageous, and I felt comfortable about this even if it wasn't the kind of make-up I was used to wear.

I came out of the bathroom and walked to my room barefoot – my feet were still painful after that little journey at the store with Revali – but I couldn't wait to try on my high heels.

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