Chapter 38 : 0303

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The raindrops were crashing against the window, and the wind was blowing around the tiles of the roof, making them whistling and moving. When I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but think it was Toruma on the roof, walking and whistling, waiting for the perfect time to finally deliver the mortal blow.

I should stop overthinking. He can't know where I live right now, and he won't climb on the roof under this tempest to... I don't even know what for. Finally kill me ?

I sighed and turned myself, facing Link who was sleeping next to me. He was so calm and peaceful, slowly breathing as I saw his chest going up and down regularly while my mind was running with those awful thoughts, those awful memories.

No, he won't kill me, he just wants to play with me, he wants to scare me, he wants to be in my head.

Whatever, it's just the wind and the rain. Be logical Zelda, for Hylia's sake.

The thunderlights lit the sky up, sometimes, allowing me to see Link's face. His eyes were closed but I saw them moving under his eyelids, probably dreaming and his hair was messy, covering nearly the half of his face.

You're so cute.

I put my hand on his face, softly caressing his cheek. He turned his head, still sleeping and kissed my palm. I felt my heart melting in my chest and my cheeks turning in a deep shade of red.

I'm so lucky to be with an amazing man like you.

I leaned closer to him, ready to cuddle him when he kissed the top of my head.

Your favorite kissing spot.

I closed my eyes, feeling safe in his arms. I focused on his calm breath, trying to follow his rhythm. In and out... In and out... Over and over, until I finally fell asleep. Until I finally accepted to sink in the darkness for the second time of the day.

I opened my eyes. There wasn't much light around me, but I recognized this place.

The corridor. Alone.

Well, not really alone, to be honest.

Even if I didn't see anyone else, I felt him. I felt his eyes on me, lurking in the dark. I felt his awful aura next to me. I felt his anger, his sadism, his pleasure around me.

Outside, the rain was pouring and I could hear the storm, but there was something else. A quiet rhapsody, repeating again and again. A whistle.

The neon lights were crackling, giving to this place a disturbing ambiance. I couldn't find where this sound came from, even if I was looking everywhere, so I started to walk towards the door at the end of this corridor.

I was alone and the smooth walls without any doors made me nervous. There was no place to hide here.

So, where are you ?

I opened the door at the end of the corridor, finally leaving this terrifying place. I was now outside, in the dark night but there was no rain and the ground was dry. I had a look around me, seeing the lamp posts, the houses and the starry sky.

The alley.

I clearly heard the rhapsody. I couldn't find the tittle of this song but I was sure I already heard it somewhere. It was getting louder and louder but just like in the corridor, I was alone.

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