Chapter 20 : Should we call this a date ?

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I sat at 'my' table as soon as I arrived at the library, the one next to the splendid window that offered me a breathtaking view on the campus. The sun was slowly setting, bathing the parc with its warm and reassuring golden light while some students were  fastly walking towards the dorms. The rain stopped during the afternoon and the many puddles seemed to be filled with gold and the leaves covered of it too.

Maybe that day started poorly but maybe it will get better on the evening.

I unpacked my bag, took my laptop and started working on extra-credits. Economics, unfortunately. I tried to focus on the topic the best I could when I felt someone who was standing next to me.

An ?

I lifted my head up and saw those blue eyes I missed today looking at me playfully. His blond hair was perfectly dry and he wasn't with his large blue sports bag.

« Hey. », he whispered. « I knew I could find you here. »

« Hey, you start knowing me. », I smiled while he was sitting next to me. « How was your day ? »

« Pretty good, and you ? »

« Same. », I replied, and I saw him taking his notebook and pencils. « Do you want to work with me ? »

« Sure, if you don't mind. », he said, while I shook my head. « I have two hours before I'll go to the Sheikah. Maybe I can use that time to improve my maths skills. »

« I was about to do my arythmetics too. », I giggled. « Will you train tonight ? »

« Not for me. », he chuckled. « I will give a lesson tonight. »

« Oh great ! I kinda remember you told me you were used to train children and Impa was so mad yesterday when she had to replace you. »

« I already told her I was sorry. », he rolled his eyes.

« I warn you, she's a bit bitter. », I chuckled, making him laugh too.

« Thanks for the warning. », he kept laughing. « Well, tonight's not for the children, but for adults who want to learn something about self-defense. »

« Cool ! Speaking of it, is that okay if I'll come ? I mean, because of what happened, it would be great fir me if I started to learn some fighting skills. What do you think ? », I asked.

« Yes, of course you can. », he said with a bright smile. « They're two weeks ahead of you but I think it'll be okay. »

« Perfect ! », I exclaimed. « I help you with maths before going home to take my sport outfit and I'll come for 8PM. »

« A maths lesson for a self-defense lesson. », he chuckled, offering me his hands.

« A good deal. », I said, now shaking his hand.

He lightly laughed, and the sensation of his thumb caressing my hand made me blush a bit. And I immediately missed it when he set my hand free.

We worked for an hour together, and I was a bit surprised by how fast he could learn. I knew he hated maths and when I saw his results for first, I was a bit scared it would be a but hard for us. But in fact he was pretty good, and I couldn't help thinking his bad grades in the discipline was due to his lack of interest in it.

« This is... crystal clear. », he said, looking at me with round eyes.

« Maths aren't complicated when you understand the mechanic. »

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