Chapter 72 : Girlfriend

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Link came to his room several minutes after me, his hair wet after his shower.

He'd been long enough in the bathroom to let me calm my nerves, pretending everything was fine. And I was relieved to see him relaxed, his argument with his mother was now a bad memory.

I felt his arms hodling me while I was spending my time on my phone, looking at Impa's stories.

New York seemed so mesmerizing during that moment of the year with the many string light and decorated pine trees everywhere, the large streets covered of snow, the many horse-drawn carriage and the too many lights from the buildings and streets turning the sky in an interesting color between purple and orange. And everything seemed so big down there, as she showed me her immense room she was sharing with her sister Purah, the huge meals she ate - and barely finished even if she used to eat so much more than me - and the incredible skycrapers.

But, even if I was happy for her, I could tell that I truly missed her right now. She was my best friend, my confident and I felt the urge to spend the night in her room, talking her about that story, about my feelings, about my questions while we were eating chocolate in front of a stupid romantic movie. And I knew I would've cried, but she would be there to console me, as she always did it.

Maybe she wouldn't have all the answers of my too many questions, but she would've listened to me, she would've tried to advise me, even if I was more experienced than her.

More experienced than her. Seriously, the shy-friend was more experienced than the party-animal.

« What makes you smile like that, honey ? », he said with a smile, caressing my cheeks.

« Impa. Some old memories. », I lied, as I didn't assume my thoughts.

« How's she ? »

« Fine, she seems to have a lot of fun with her family to the Big Apple. »

« Happy to hear that. Did you give her any news ? »

« Not many. She knows I'm spending my holidays with you in Hateno, and she's happy for us. Well, she said she was happy for me but still mad at you. », I chuckled.

« Mad at me ? »

« You know what I'm talking about. », I said with a sad smile.

« Oh. Yeah, I see. », he sighed. « I kinda failed the bestie-test, uh ? »

« Maybe you'll score points later ? », I smiled, trying to reassure him.

I locked my phone and put the little device next to him. I let my head find her place on his chest, while he was playing with my hair.

« You're always glued together. »

She was right.

Everytime we were alone, or in a place where we could act like a couple, we were in each others arms. But he didn't seem to want more space, neither did I, to be honest. And maybe the most important thing in our relationship was that we felt comfortable that way.

I couldn't imagine a world where we would've been dating without having any kind of contact. It was hard enough in college to constantly hide or act like we were two strangers, so as soon as we were away from praying eyes, we finally caught up time and did what we wanted to do all day long. 

« What a night. », he sighed.

« Indeed. »

I felt his fingers playing with my hair, coiling it around them, tickling me inadvertently sometimes and giving me goosebumps. I intertwined my fingers with his free ones before letting out a huge sigh.

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