Chapter 23 : Father will kill us

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I couldn't help looking at the review mirror while I was driving. The light of his headlights was kinda blinding me, but it didn't matter. I was so happy to see him behind me, gently following me to the Mansion.

I understand now why he kept looking behind him that time when I drove him to the dorms. He would be laughing a lot, seeing me doing what I told him to stop.

The Mansion was completely dark, and, of course, there wasn't a single person here. No one who could see that I just brought a boy at home.

Hino would have found it delightful, and Father would have killed me.

I opened the large wrought-iron gates, and parked my car in the garage while Link chosed to stay discreet and left his precious destrier in front of my neighbor's house. And I found that so attentive, already paying attention to the rules of that house, making sure no one, not even a neighbor could see us together.

I quickly went back to the gates while he was patiently waiting for me, admiring the garden bathed by the end of the sunset. His smile grew larger when his eyes landed on me, and he immediately held my hand before kissing me softly under the shadow of a purple willow. Away from praying eyes.

This is so romantic. I feel like those heroins in those novels I used to read when I was young, living a forbidden love.

He put a lock of hair behind my ear, and let his thumb caress my cheek. And of course, I couldn't help kissing him again. A shy kiss, a soft and discreet touch, nothing less, nothing more.

I heard him lightly chuckling while he was following my lead along the path, our fingers still intertwined. I saw him looking at the garden the many trees and bushes, before having a look at the immense mansion in front of him.

« Shit, you didn't told me you were living in a castle ! », he said before whistling.

« A prison. », I corrected him as I opened the door.

The herringbone parquet, the huge vases and the mouldings always made an impression. A great impression for a great family with too many secrets. A great facade, too beautiful to let people wonder what was behind it. A great facade for a cursed life.

He walked few steps inside the house, still looking at the walls, the ceiling, and all the wonderful furnitures that were inside the hall. But, because of his inattention, his huge bag bumped one of the vase, and I only had the time to gasp before he caught it with his left hand. I sighed in relief as I saw the too-expensive vase few centimeters above the floor, right before it could have crashed.

« You have good reflexes. », I exclaimed.

« Happily. », he nervously laughed too. « I couldn't even count how many times I broke some of those little things. »

« Really ? »

« Yes, I think I have something with vases. It didn't matter how precious or large they were, I always make them fall on the floor. I can tell that's a miracle that this one is still whole. », he said, scratching the back of his head, putting it carefully on the pedestal it used to stand.

« That's crazy. », I said, looking at him with round eyes.

« Indeed. And I don't know why, but that's just with vases. », he explained. « I remembered one day, I was with my mum in a market and I broke the whole stand. I was so ashamed, and mum so angry we had to pay for it, that, as a punishment, I wasn't allowed to go out of the house for a whole week during the holidays. »

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