Chapter 18 : Revali's flap

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This lecture was a true torture. I couldn't focus on what the professor was saying because, as soon as I heard An's voice, I couldn't help feeling heartache, betrayed and completely alone. Why did he do it ? Why didn't he stop when I told him to ? Why did he wanted to know who did those bruises on my arm ? That was private ! That wasn't something I wanted to share with someone I only knew for few weeks ! Even Impa didn't know anything about it !

Breathe in... Breathe out...

Still, I felt bad. I felt bad because I lied to him. I felt bad because I still felt dirty, I still felt ashamed. Because I still felt his dirty hands and his dirty lips on me. And I didn't want to be judged by the ones I loved.

My arm wasn't painful anymore, but the sensation of An's hands on my bruises remained. I automatically rubbed it, hoping it would also erased the memory of his treason.

I shook my head and I directly packed my things and went to my next course as soon as the lecture was over. I glanced at An one last time before leaving the place, and felt sad when I saw him laughing with some other students. Our eyes met for a fraction of second and I could see how his smile faded and how his look switched from a playful to a sad one. I saw his body lightly moving, as if he wanted to walk towards me, and that was at this exact moment that I left, too sad, too annoyed, too betrayed to say a single word.

The corridors were full of students and the bad weather outside didn't help the ones who didn't have any course to exit the building. Maybe that was a bit strange but I felt at ease knowing there was many people here, knowing no one could notice me, knowing I was only a ghost in that flood of people. Knowing no one could see how injured I was, on the outside – of course – but on the inside too.

Mipha waved at me as soon as I came in the lecture hall. I sat next to her, and we talked about random things while we were unpacking our bags.

Her smile and melodious voice helped me to think about something else than An and all the things that happened last week. She told me she spent a lovely week-end, training a lot in the warm water but also working on her lectures and spending some time with her brother. They were very close, and I noticed how proud she was when she was talking about him, telling me he was her bestfriend, as she was his.

I was so impressed by her rigor, because she was in junior year, in the swimming team and she was majoring in medecine wich was one of the hardest majors in HU. And, despite everything, she was one of the top of the class, one of the best swimmers of the college – if not the best one – and she still had time to spend with her brother and friends.

How I wish I had your life.

But when the teacher started talking, we quickly remained silent, knowing how important our grades were for us.

We wrote everything the teacher was saying, did our exercises, trying to understand the complicated logic in it. Sometimes, we couldn't help chatting together, helping each other. We were probably the most concentrated ones, as I saw my neighbors sleeping on the table. But they quickly woke up when we heard the main door opening, immediately followed by loud whispers.

So, Link came in the room I imagine.

I lifted my head up, and caught his gaze and his discreet wink for me. I smiled back and he sat in the last table I found, far away from Mipha and I, probably disappointing the pre-med student. And I knew I was right when I saw her lowering her red face and letting out a quiet sigh.

But I can't judge her. No one can imagine how much I want him next to me.

Time flew during this lesson, and, I admitted, working on my own and focusing on my exercises calmed my nerves. And of course because of Mipha.

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