Chapter 71 : The closest thing to a princess

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After a nice dinner, Aryll asked her family if we could eat marshmallows outside, under the starry sky. Of course everyone accepted and the three other Farore were still at home, cleaning the dishes and preparing the candies while Link and I were outside, struggling with the fire pit to light a fire.

« Here we are. », he said, visibly satisfied to see the first flames and smoke.

« Be careful, you'll burn all Hateno with a great fire like that. »

« Keep your sarcasms for you, Princess. », he mechanically said, blowing over the embers.

« Oh please, I'm freezing cold ! »

« Maybe helping me would warm you up ? », he said, not even looking at me, still fully focused on his... burning fire.

« I think I would extinguish the rare flames if I try to give you a hand. », I mumbled.

I finally see many flames inside the fire pit, and Link immediately looked at me with a victorious smile.

« Alright, I admit, you're pretty good with fire. », I said while he sat next to me. « Is there one thing you're not good at ? »

« Let me see... », he said, pretending to think. « All that college stuff. Maths, especially. »

« You're not bad at it, you just need time and mentoring. Especially for maths class. »

« But I need help to be good. Pretty sarcastic knowing dad majored in maths. »

« We all need help for some things. It doesn't mean you're bad at it, it just means you need some support to use all of your potential. », I said, putting my head on his shoulders. « I didn't know he took that major. Your mother ? »

« You're cute, Princess. », he said, kissing my temple. « She worked at the farm after high school as my grand parents wanted to do something else. She never went to college. »

« Oh, alright. Where are your grand parents ? »

« Only Grandma's still alive, and she's dad's mother. She currently lives in Lurelin, and you'll see her tomorrow. »

« Link ! I don't have any present for her ! »

« Relax. We made a group gift, I will say you added money to it. », he chuckled. « And I think the view of me happy with you would be enough for her. »

« You're impossible... », I laughed too, rolling my eyes. « Cute, but impossible. »

We were about to share a kiss when we heard some footsteps in the snow behind us. The laugh of Aryll rose up in the calm night, quickly followed by his father's one.

« Delivery ! », she loudly said, her hands full of many plaids.

« Thank you Aryll, that's really kind of you. », I said with a smile.

I was about to take one of the sweet covers but Link was too fast for me and I didn't have time to raise my hands up before I felt the warmth of the cover on me. One plaid for both of us, his right hand holding my waist while I held the two ends of the cover.

Then, he quickly gave me a stick and put a bowl full of marshmellows in front of us.

Aryll sat next to me and his parents were in front of us. Arn was already broiling his candies but the way Cinna looked at Link and me made me a bit uncomfortable.

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