Chapter 40 : I want to

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I was a bit sad on my way home, remembering that awful day. But I tried to keep Paya's words in mind : most of the students didn't care about this. And maybe I should start to care less about my reputation.

Because that was only a reputation, after all. Nothing more than what people could think about me. And the only thing that mattered was that me and the people I care about knew what truly happened. That I didn't kiss him. That I didn't do that awful thing with the TU's students. That I was still the girl I've always been and not the girl everyone thought I was.

I finally arrived in front of his house, and, happily, no one noticed me.

No one noticed that the whore was going to a frat house. A house full of young and wild boys.

I came in the house and saw everyone running everywhere, moving the furnitures next to the walls and wiping the floor. Teba and Saki were ordering things to Revali – who kept complaining about everything – and Bozai – who was spending all of his time on his phone,  swiping right on his screen tirelessly.

« Hey, what's happening here ? », I asked.

« Party tonight. », Revali simply said.

« Again ? », I said before I could even think of it.

« Yes, again. Thanks to Teba, of course. », Revali coldly said giving a dark look to the other rito.

« Why do you say that ? »

« Because everyone thinks that the best parties in this campus are Teba's ones. », he sighed.

« And for a good reason ! », Saki exclaimed, making her boyfriend flexing. « He's the best host of the country. »

« At least. », he chuckled, softly kissing Saki's cheek which made Revali sighed. « Will you join us tonight ? »

« I- I- I- I don't think so... », I stammered. « I mean, I can ask if Link wants to party with you - »

« Would be a miracle if he said 'yes'. », Revali mumbled, and I chosed not to raise it. « Or if he said something, at least. »

« Revali... », Saki quietly scolded him. « Don't worry, Zelda, you don't have to come if you don't feel it, okay ? »

« Okay. Thank you. », I said in a low voice, relieved.

If Teba was still a bit cold to me, Saki was probably the warmest person here. Because, if I felt like Teba asked me to come of politeness, I saw how sincere Saki was. I was sure that my story touched her, and the fact that we were the only girls here reinforced the bond we started to create together.

Maybe we can be friends ? That would be so pleasant.

« Well, even if you don't want to come, you can still help us by filling those bowls with this. », Reali asked – well, ordered – me in his usual annoyed tone.

He pointed the bottles of juice and alcohol one the table next to me.

« I've never done it... what are the dosages ? »

« Three of juice, one of vodka. Alright ? »

« Got it. »

I was about to open the vodka one when I heard a too familiar laugh behind me.

« My Silent Princess with a bottle of vodka, am I dreaming ? », Link bursted into laughter.

« There's a first for everything. », I said blushing.

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