Chapter 80 : I'm yours as you're mine

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I couldn't believe we did it.

I couldn't believe we discovered a Leviathan, a legend, a cryptid. Only fools believed they existed, only fools could think someone would discover that large whale. But that was what happened today. And I was that someone.

My first discovery. My very first discovery as an archeologist.

After the forest rangers and the police came to the cave to help us to reach the surface, they immediately called the HU's Archeology department and the National Museum of CastleTown to identify if that skeleton was a real one. And this research didn't take long  and in the evening, every newspaper had my name on it to tell the world I discovered an unknown species of whales.

Balaenoptera bosphoramus.

My phone didn't stop ringing as soon as I created my public Instagram account, @zeldabosphoramus, and got followed by many differents scientists, archeologists and historians form all over the world who were asking me so many things about my life, my studies and how I discovered it.

Of course my friends congratulated me, but that was nothing compared to Onya, Akrah and Garshon who called me for more than an hour, congratulating me and asking me where was that skeleton and how I felt knowing I've got my name on a new kind of species.

« How do you deal with it ? », I asked Link as soon as I hung up with the triplets. « Being famous. »

« I don't really pay attention to the comments or the private messages. », he shrugged. « But we can't really compared. I only got fans or random people while you have so many amazing people talking to you, so many people who can help you in your studies or in your future career. »

« You're right. But that's completely crazy ! I can't even lock my phone ! », I exclaimed. « And I'm less famous than you ! »

« I know. But you did something extraordinary Zel. », he said, now holding me in his arms under the soft blanket in front of the fireplace. « Seriously, do you realise you just discovered something completely new ? And I'm not talking about an other temple or something, but a fucking unknown animal ! Well, if that's an animal... »

« This is an animal. That's a big whale. », I answered with a smile.

« I'm so proud of you. My favorite and amazing archeologist. », he said before tenderly kissing me. « I'm happy you're stubborn sometimes. »

« Hey ! I'm not that stubborn ! »

« Oh Zel, you could have killed us just for knowing what was behind the gates, and you did it yourself even if I told you to stop. », he chuckled.

« But we're alive. », I laughed too.

« Both alive and both famous. What a day ! »

He was right. What a day !

I was relieved the papers didn't show my face to the world, my name was already a huge thing for me, but I knew they had to credit who did this discovery. But one thing scared me a bit : Father.

In one hand, I was happy he will see that I was able to do things with my hands, but in the other hand, I didn't know how he could react, knowing I wasn't in CastleTown and I was now a well-known future archeologist.

Link showed me some pictures he took during our little improvised off-trail trip but also the ones he took when I was next to the whale. My whale. My Balaenoptera bosphoramus.

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