Chapter 79 : I need help

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I woke up pretty early this morning as I saw the sun rising behind the peaks. A beautiful yellow light bathed the room, and I was pretty sad to see his place next to me completely empty. As usual.

I stretched my limbs and body before going out of bed, craving for his arms. But maybe his hoodie that was peacefully lying on the floor would comfort me a bit ? But, well, even if it smelled his perfume, that was nothing compared to the warmth of his body, nothing compared to the sensation of his arms around me.

His hands on your bare skin under the hot water.

Oh please, stop it. Nothing happened. Nothing more than his hands on my booty happened yesterday. And I didn't know if something more than this will happen in a not too distant future. I was too scared for that. Too inexperienced.

While he wasn't. Don't you see how terrible it is for him ? How terrible it might have been for him in the jacuzzi ? You, allowing him to touch your bottom while you were touching his torso under the hot water without letting go any further ? That's monstruous.

No, that wasn't. Link told me he was okay by taking his time with me. And he told me he liked what we did yesterday.

So, teasing him, giving him a taste of what should happen next and then getting withdrawn isn't monstruous ?

I didn't get withdrawn, he broke the kiss.

And then he told you that you teased him a lot and then you said 'no'. Well, if that's not what a monster do, maybe that's something sluts do, don't you think ?

I shook my head, hoping it would keep those impure thoughts at bay. Why did I always had to feel bad when it came to intimacy ? Why couldn't I feel okay with the idea of slowly stepping up with him ?

Why was I constantly feeling like a whore as soon as I couldn't give him what he was craving for a long time ?

Maybe we can thank Father for this ? And maybe every student of HU ? Or maybe that's because that's what you are deep inside you ? A failure and a slut, congratulation miss Bosphoramus.

« Quiet. », I mumbled.

And started to go downstairs, hoping I would find himin the kitchen. But once again, I felt sad by seeing his favorite place empty.

Where are you ?

My car was still parked in the garage, so I assumed he wasn't in town or buying some french viennoiseries at the cute bakery near our cabin. And I couldn't see footprints in the snow, and, because it wasn't snowing anymore, I was pretty sure he wasn't jogging at the moment. Of course the jacuzzi was still empty and, after I went upstairs hoping I could find him in the bathroom, I started feeling worried about his current location.

Where are you ? Seriously I went to every -

No. Not every room. Not in the basement.

I quietly opened the door and immediately heard his heavy breath and metalic sounds.


I went downstair as silently as possible, not even turning the lights on. I knew that was childish, but I wanted to surprise him while he was training. And I realised that would be the very first time I would see him training on his own.

I meant, I already saw him training with the archery or the fencing teams – I always avoided the MMA trainings because, in one hand I didn't like seeing him fighting other men, and in the other hand, I wanted to stay away from Kima and his impure thoughts – but I never saw him doing what he always did while I was sleeping.

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