Chapter 14 : I hope your boyfriend doesn't mind it

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I was lying in my bed, my eyes wide open, staring at my bedroom's ceiling and holding Terrako in my arms. I burried my head in his sweet and puffy body, hoping the memory of the moment when Impa gave me this little robot would replace the awful memory of that terrible night.

But everytime I closed my eyes, I relived the scene with Toruma, all details included. The darkness of that night, the smell of his perfume and cigarette, his cold breath on my skin, his fingers on my thigh, his lips on my skin, slowly discovering me.

The fear I was feeling at this moment. Fearing for my imminent death, or worst.

Tears were fillling my eyes – again –,  and I blinked several times, trying to oust them. I  did those breath exercises I used to do when I was anxious hoping it would help me to  calm my pounding heart. But that was a waste of time as I wasn't able to focus on something else than those venimous green eyes that were looking at me, devouring me, savoring my terror.

But keeping my eyes open wasn't a great idea neither. I couldn't help but jumped in surprise when I caught a shadow moving on my wall, thinking that was him who was looking at me, hidden in a dark corner of my room. Even the sound of a leaf hitting my window sacred me as my brain immediately thought he was trying to break my bay window, finishing what he wanted to do earlier.

Calm down. He is from Termina, so he should be in TU, no ?

But he knew who I was. He already knew my name, and there's no other Zelda in the campus, so finiding my last name, and then my address won't be a problem for him.

And even if he tried to, this house is a fortress. He can't come here, that's impossible.

I sighed and wrapped my body in my sheets, putting Terrako on my face before I let out a desperate scream. My shoulder hurt me a bit, but that was nothing compared to the pain I felt when I saw those awful bruises on my forearm.

I cried and rubbed my arm again, hoping it would make them dissapear this time. But, just as the other times, it didn't. It didn't and more than this, my skin was now competely irritated and burned. But that physical pain was the only thing that helped me to think about something else. Because, when you were too focused on the part of your body that hurt you, it was nearly impossible to think of the moments that hurt you on the inside.

I just want to rip all of my skin from off my bones. I just want to make them disappear.

But I deeply knew that would not fix my problem. Because if the bruises were something I could see, and something that would disappear next week, the memory of that night will remain crystal clear in my mind. For ever.

All I needed was arms I could snuggle into, the way Impa used to do when we were young, when that was too hard for me at home. Of course Father had never held me in his arms, and I was already convinced it would be extremely akwardif he started doing it today, and more than everything tonight.

I tried to cried as silently as possible because waking Father up was the last thing I wanted. I was sure he would have scolded me for it, and not even paying attention to my despair.

I felt so lonely, so desperate, here in my bed. I already missed him, and more than everything, his arms. Those powerful arms that saved me, even if I told him to leave me alone. Those powerful arms that hit my abuser and healed my injuries. Those powerful arms that could break bones, but also had a light touch like a feather. Those powerful arms that held me when I was at my worst.

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