Chapter 62 : You're his missing part

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He left me.

He closed the door behind him and left me alone in his room, in our room. The room we shared everything, the room we loved, the room we laughed, the room I found peace while I was at my worst, the room we cried.

The room where he left me.

I couldn't believe I will spend one entire week without him. But that was his job and I finally got what I wanted : time to think of us, time to clarify what I wanted with him, time to see if I could live without him.

Without him.

I bursted into tears and held my Terrako in my arms, imagining it was him but I only smelled my perfume, and cried again. I already missed him, and I wanted to send him a text. Well, I was about to do it, to be honest, as I already had my phone in hand.

But he told me that he wanted to think on his own. Maybe I shouldn't do it ?

My eyes saw my wallpaper and I couldn't help thinking of what I was about to lose.

A wonderful man. A talented, kind, patient, wise, courageous and handsome man. The kind of man every girls dreamt of, and I knew it, regarding how many fan accounts he had, how many comments he recieved, how happy people were when they talked to him.

And we were about to break up for a stupid story, for something he didn't want to do. Paya kissed him, but he never wanted to kiss her back, he never wanted to break my heart, he never wanted to make me suffer that way.

But maybe I wasn't thinking clear right now and I only saw his good sides. Maybe I will feel better this week all alone, focusing on my revisions here. Maybe it was a blessing in desguise.

Who am I fooling, of course it's not a blessing in desguise ! Of course I won't be able to focus on my lectures with a broken heart, knowing it was the last time I saw him.

I felt so bad right now.

Of course, the largest part of it was due to what happened earlier with him, but my body was still painful as I was sobering up. I laid on his bed and burried my head in his pillow, taking deep breaths in it to smell his sweet perfume, until I finally fell asleep, too exhausted because of my hangover, my lack of sleep and the fact that I cried too much today and yesterday.

The noise of someone knocking at my door awakened me and the first thing I saw with my painful eyes was that the night had already fallen here.

What time is it ? Did I sleep that much ?

« Zelda ? It's Saki. Do you want to eat something with us ? », she kindly asked behind the door.

I wasn't really hungry, but I heard Link's voice in my head telling me to go eating something. And I didn't want to spend time with my roommates neither. But I knew I couldn't stay in this room full of old memories for ever.

« Well... yes I'm coming. », I said in a hoarse voice.

I stretched my muscles and carefully walked in this dark room, knowing it was always messy inside. But I didn't tripped over anything, and when I turned on the light, I saw that he cleaned and tidied it, probably yesterday, and I was too wasted today to see his efforts.

Another proof that he was attentive and kind. Another proof that I didn't deserve him.

I opened the door and saw Saki in front of me looking at me with a concerned look, knowing I would probably be desperate about his leaving. And she was right, my teary eyes didn't lie and she immediately held me in her arms, slowly caressing my back, saying reassuring words about how deeply he loved me, that he would never leave me, that I was too important for him. And I chosed to believe her until the tears stopped falling from my eyes.

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