Chapter 51 : The monster who broke her pure heart

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Many things happened this week.

First of all, because of my little talk with Hilda, Meadela and her friends started spreading new rumors about me. They probably didn't like the fact that I was minding their business, but they proved me once more how filthy they were. I tried not to pay attention, of course, but some guys believed in them and tried to flirt with me, making me extremely uncomfortable, especially when my friends or Link were by my side.

But, Link remained extremely calm all days long, glancing at me sometimes but he never said a word. And, every nights, he was there to comfort me, to support me through this. Even if it hurt him.

Fortunately it was just a dark cloud in a bright sky.

Saki felt better each day, allowing the boys to organize a great party for Halloween at the dorm next week where I was invited.

I hesitated a bit, for first, but all of my friends will be there – Impa, Mipha, An, Sidon, even Paya – and being at the dorm reassured me, so I finally accepted. It will be my first big party, and if I was excited, Impa and An were completely crazy about it, already planning what we should do together.

Speaking of An, his lesson with Paya went well. The kakariko girl told me how amazing he was with an instrument and as a teacher, patiently explaining what she had to do, where she had to place her hands and how to read a score. She blushed a bit when she told me she will see him again next monday, and I was so happy for her.

Maybe they will end up together soon ? That would be so cool for them !

I barely saw Link this week, always training for his contest in California next month and another fencing contest at school, or giving his self-defense lessons at the Sheikah.

Even if I remembered how Aliza was totaly in love with him, always asking him to show her the moves – hoping he will hold her waist –, I felt at ease. I completely trusted him after our little talk on sunday when he found the right words to reassure me, to show me how he saw me, to show me I was the only one in his life. And he kept proving me how much he loved me everytime we were in our room, kissing me, holding me in his arms, playing with me, always respecting my limits. And I was so grateful to have a man like him in my life.

If Sidon was fully relaxed about his contest on friday, I couldn't say the same thing about Mipha.

I only saw her during our lectures – not even talking about Link, but looking at him sometimes, however –, spending all of her time swimming and training. Even Impa barely saw her at the dorms, and when they were under the same roof, she was working on her lessons, locked in her room.

And friday finally came.

All of the students were talking about one thing : the swimming contest, wondering if Mipha will beat her own record, or just speaking about Sidon's shape and how impatients some girls were to finally see him shirtless. In my opinion, if you wanted to see a contest it wasn't because of the athletes' shape but because you liked this sport or because you wanted to support your team, but maybe many girls weren't mature enough.

Paya and I walked towards the pool, complaining about Blight's lecture – again –, imitating him sometimes – especially the way he talked and spluttered and the way he always touched his glasses –, and laughing like fools most of it. An and Impa were already there and I saw Paya blushing when she saw him.

I knew it ! You're totally in love Paya !

« Hey Princess ! », Impa exclaimed, jumping in my arms.

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